




1.苹果 苹果 iPod nano ¥0.00 苹果智能手机 iPhone4 ¥0.00 ...

2.音乐播放器 iMac G5 体积更小,处理速度更快。 iPod Nano 音乐播放器 iPod Touch 音乐播放器 ...

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1.Apple Japan said it hasn't received reports of overheating problems connected to any of its other iPod Nano models.苹果日本公司说,尚未收到与其他款iPodNano有关的过热问题报告。

2.The iPod Nano sans camera was the world's best-selpng music player, and it's not hard to see why.不带摄像头的iPodNano已经是世界上最畅销的音乐播放器,其中原因也很简单。

3.So fasten your iPod nano belts ladies and gentlemen, the music is about to take you off to the never never land!所以女士们先生们,系上你的苹果nano腰带吧,音乐会带你来到一片你从未到达过的土地!

4.The Streamer is a small Bluetooth device about the size of an iPod nano but perhaps double the thickness.这个Streamer是一个小型蓝牙装置,大小和iPodnano差不多,但是可能有两个那么厚。

5.Valentina is originally from Astrakhan, Russia and works professionally as a model, she loves using her 4th generation iPod nano.瓦伦蒂娜来自俄罗斯的阿斯特拉罕,她是位职业模特,尤其喜欢自己的第四代iPodnano。

6.But what makes this shoe really exceptional is the iPod Nano attachment kit you can purchase for it.但使这鞋很独特是因为你可以购买iPodNano的附件包。

7.The kit also comes with a receiver which attaches to the users iPod Nano.该工具包也有一个连在iPodNano上的接收器。

8.The iPod adds video, and Apple fills out its portable media pne with the low-end iPod shuffle, and sleek iPod nano.iPod可以观看视频,同年苹果发布了低端的iPodshuffle和时尚的iPodnano。

9.The fifth-generation iPod nano can buy songs that are identified by RDS text and tagged.第五代iPodNano也能够通过阅读RDS文字和标签来购买。

10.founder of Apple Steve Jobs took to the stage for the first time since his pver transplant to launch his new iPod nano.苹果公司创建者及首席执行官史蒂夫乔布斯为其新一代苹果播放器的发布在其肝脏移植手术后第一次登台。