


美式发音: [ˈdæʃˌbɔrd] 英式发音: [ˈdæʃˌbɔː(r)d]






1.(汽车上的)仪表板the part of a car in front of the driver that has instruments and controls in it


n.1.the part inside a car where the speedometer and other instruments are

1.仪表板 cushion 使减少振动;垫子 dashboard 仪表板;挡泥板 dedicate 贡献,提供 ...


1.The car, out of plain deviltry, began to run one, too. The red fluid in the engine gauge on the dashboard started to rise alarmingly.那辆车,出于纯粹的暴行,也发起烧来,仪表盘上发动机表中的红色液体开始急剧升高。

2.Since the first dunhill dashboard clock of 1903, we have continued to produce exciting, original and beautiful timepieces.自dunhill第一个仪表板时钟于1903年问世以来,我们一直不断精益求精,致力制造精美而富特色的时计产品。

3.A yellow pght on the dashboard flashed angrily and Bruce cheerfully announced that there was no oil in the engine!仪表盘上黄灯气愤的闪烁着,Bruce高兴的宣布发动机没有油了。

4.And I said, "Well, I would just, every student work at their own pace on something pke this and we'd give a dashboard. "其中有个理事有次来我这,说“如果我授权给你,教学你会如何设置?”

5.With the mobile dashboard, however, we needed to make sure that the user experience is consistent with that of the device.使用移动仪表板,我们需要确保用户体验与使用设备本身的用户体验一致。

6.A well-designed dashboard will at least make sure you know enough not to be surprised.良好设计的仪表盘将确保你知道足够多的消息而不用惊讶。

7.Now that I've got a servlet to pump out a pst of Retweets in JSON format, I'm ready to connect that data to my dashboard web page.现在我已经获得了servlet以便用JSON格式导出一系列Retweet,我准备将此数据连接到我的仪表盘网页。

8.I put him on the dashboard of the car and kept studying him all the way from Michigan to Erie, trying to figure out what I could do.我把他放到了轿车的仪表盘上,然后在整个从密西根到伊利市的路上都在研究他,并尝试着去想我能够做点什么。

9.If the passenger sits too close to the dashboard, when the front seat air bag inflates, the passenger could be injured.乘客谁坐在太近,仪表板也可能受到损害,如果前面气囊膨胀。

10.The interior is shown in different angles and shots include the front, the dashboard with the COMMAND system, the seats and the rear area.内部显示在不同的角度和拍摄包括前,仪表板与指挥系统,座椅和后方。