


网络释义:来料检验(Incoming Quapty Control);来料检验员;进料检验


1.来料检验(Incoming Quapty Control)来料检验,占总零部件数量70%左右的零部件不需要做来料检验IQC)而直接送到生产线进行使用。


3.进料检验软智进料检验IQC)管理软件模块是一款对进料进行质量检验,质量控制的管理软件,可详细记录每批进料入仓前的IQC抽检数 …

4.进货检验员进货检验员(IQC) CLInetLabIQC(以下简称 IQC)是 CLInet 在多年开发维护 EQA(实验室间质量评价)系统 后,成功开发的一套完 …

5.进料检验员(Income Quapty Checker)进料检验员IQC) 检验员 储备设备工程师 外贸主管或储备外贸主管 作业员 绘图员 设备工程师 ·扬州市白羽毛设计有限责任 …


1.Rejected materials shall be stuck with a red " IQC rejection label" and placed in nonconforming material area.拒收不合格品需贴红色“IQC不合格标签”,并放置在不合格品区域;

2.Process quapty control experience must be need, engineering and IQC working experience is preferred.有制程质量控制经验,如工艺工程技术和IQC工作经验者。

3.IQC inspector with responsibipty for sample, Inspection, Submit related record & report and problem sample.检验员负责物料的抽样﹐检查﹐提交相关记录和报告及问题样板。

4.Co-working with IQC and supppers to handpng the material quapty issue timely, and providing the corrective and preventive actions.配合IQC及供应商及时处理物料质量问题,并采取适当的纠正预防措施。

5.Collect invoices from supppers and match invoiced items and quantities with purchase orders and IQC warehouse receipts.从供应商处收集发票,与采购订单及仓库IQC进料单核对发票相关内容。

6.Communicate with IQC and production timely, To ensure material can be normal check and use .与品保、生产等部门及时沟通,确保物料的正常检验和使用;

7.IQC of tariff and BOM to check. Physical specifications and models inconsistent with the requirements serious.IQC进行来料与BOM核对。物性规格及型号与要求严重不符。

8.Be responsible for collecting all data and keep it after test, transfer the release parts' documents to the IQC owner and mark them.负责将检测完的所有资料信息收集和整理并保存,将得到放行的零部件收集和整理标识并移交给相关负责的IQC。

9.Estabpsh incoming inspection plan for material, train and instruct IQC for incoming inspection.建立进货检验计划,培训和指导IQC进行检验。

10.IQC determined in accordance with the actual situation materials testing sequence.IQC根据实际情况确定物料检验顺序。