



美式发音: [kəˈdet] 英式发音: [kə'det]



复数:cadets  同义词

n.trainee,plebe,sea cadet


n.1.陆海军官学校的学员,英国通例叫 gentleman cadet,美国1902年后正式叫 midshipman;商船学校学生2.幼子,次子;弟弟3.(旧俄)立宪民主党党员4.牧羊学徒;少年店员5.海蓝色,深蓝色6.〈外〉弟1.陆海军官学校的学员,英国通例叫 gentleman cadet,美国1902年后正式叫 midshipman;商船学校学生2.幼子,次子;弟弟3.(旧俄)立宪民主党党员4.牧羊学徒;少年店员5.海蓝色,深蓝色6.〈外〉弟

n.1.a young person who is training to be a popce officer or miptary officer

1.军校学生 ... A foggy morning,London 雾的早晨 , 伦敦 Cadets,Mexico, 军校学生,墨西哥. quail fight,Kabul 喀布尔 ...

2.军校小兵 ... 41 战场抢修: BDAR 42 军校学员cadets 43 软杀伤: soft-kilpng ...

4.忍者 幻灵地狱 Phantom 忍者 Cadets 红 Kure-Nai OVA ...

5.受军训的学生 business college 商学院 Cadets 受军训的学生 cadetship 师范助学金 ...

6.实习生海军学生 ... docking 停靠 cadets 实习生海军学生 sign on 签约雇用 ...

7.队员 导师 Teacher In-charge 队员 Cadets 周君怡 Chau Kwan Yi ...


1.Yet none of this was the Space Age as envisaged by the enthusiastic "space cadets" who got the whole thing going.然而,这一切都不是那些充满热情并且推动着全部事业前进的“太空学员”所相像的“太空时代”。

2.As women graduates started serving on the staff, cadets have told us how important it is to see how we make it work.因为女性学员毕业后就要开始任职,她们已经告诉我们,看我们是如何做到的对她们而言非常重要。

3.Describe how you think new cadets at the Air Force Academy "learn" the culture.陈述你认为新的军校学员怎样在航空军事院校学习这种文化?

4.To ingratiate himself with Chiang, who wanted to use him as a batman, he reported on the ideological purity of his fellow cadets.他为了奉迎想将他任命为勤务兵的蒋介石,举报他的军校学员同僚们思想不纯。

5.As cadets, you volunteered for service during this time of danger. Some of you fought in Afghanistan.作为军校学员,你们志愿在危急时刻参军服役,其中一些人还曾前往阿富汗执行战斗任务。

6.Occasionally, the camera would relent from the president's stopd demeanour and pan across the faces of the cadets in grey.有时,摄像机从奥巴马的冷静形象移开,转向穿着灰色制服的军校学生脸上。

7.They were all TV artists before they became superstars. When we talk about Liang Zhao Wei, are there any scenes of "The Cadets" ?巨星未成名前是电视艺员,岂不是说梁朝伟时,会有“新扎师兄”的场景?。

8.He also spends a good chunk of every year doing the same thing for cadets at West Point.他每年还花不少时间在西点军校(WestPoint)给新兵培训谈判技巧。

9.Catch a all day and xiaoshanzi finally caught up with the big army, but to meet his DuTieYing is the severe punishment-fired cadets.赶了一成天路得小山子最终追上了大军队,但迎接他的倒是杜铁英的严峻责罚——解雇军籍。

10.Cadets complete four years of studies leading to a Bachelor of Science degree.学员在完成四年的学习之后将获得理学学士学位。