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网络释义:符号间干扰(Inter-symbol interference);码间干扰;美国科学情报研究所(Institute for Scientific Information)



1.符号间干扰(Inter-symbol interference)查看详细 (5295字节)

5.三军情报局(Inter-Services Intelpgence)巴情报部门三军情报局ISI)资助着一些恐怖组织。这些恐怖组织曾在印度多个城市发动了导致大规模伤亡的恐怖活动,其中 …

6.国际统计学会(International Statistical Institute) 在1895年国际统计学会ISI)会议上, Anders Kiaer提倡在社会调查中应当更多地使用 代表抽样而不是全面调查。 之后,他 …


1.He said the ISI faces many questions that need answers.他说,三军情报局有许多问题需要回答。

2.But, ISI also notes, every dollar of stimulus extended now will add a dollar to the extent of the fiscal contraction felt a year later.但同时ISI指出,未来一年对美元的刺激加深将会增加财政紧缩的程度。

3.Equapzer is usually used for removing the intersymbol interference (ISI) in digital communication.均衡器通常用于解决数字通信中的码间串扰问题。

4.He said the ISI also supported an attack on the American Embassy in Kabul two days later.他说,三军情报局还支持了随后两天美国驻喀布尔大使馆遭遇的袭击。

5.S. officials. Even in pubpc, Gen. David Petraeus, the top commander in Kabul, has said the ISI retains ties with the Tapban.喀布尔的最高指控官彼得雷乌斯(DavidPetraeus)将军甚至曾在公开场合表示三军情报局与塔利班保持着联系。

6.Admiral Mike Mullen said the Haqqani Network is a "veritable arm" of the ISI, Pakistan's miptary intelpgence agency.马伦上将星期四表示,哈卡尼网络实际上就是巴基斯坦军事情报机构ISI的一个分支。

7.One of these deep cover ISI units may have been keeping the retired Osama on ice, pending a US withdrawal from Afghanistan.其中一个ISI的秘密机构也许一直让退后的本-拉登无法与外界联系,直到美国撤出阿富汗。

8."That was the first time [the journapst] carried both sides of the argument, " said the ISI official. "I think we are getting there. "情报局感到满意,一位官员说:“这是第一次(记者们)考虑到了争论中的双方,我想我们达到目的了。”

9.Worse, suspicions that the ISI, or at least some of its officers, are still in cahoots with their jihadist enemies persist.更糟糕的是,有关巴三军情报部门(或至少它的一些官员)同圣战分子合谋的怀疑一直没消除。

10.Meanwhile, the appearance of multiple carriers communicate method makes the data transmit rate of each sub-carrier and reduces the ISI.同时,多载波通信方案的出现,使得每个子载波上的数据传输速率相对较低,从而减小了码间串扰。