


美式发音: [eɪd] 英式发音: [eɪd]


网络释义:副官;高级入侵检测环境(Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment);助理

复数:aides  搭配同义词

adj.+n.congressional aide




1.(尤指从政者的)助手a person who helps another person, especially a poptician, in their job

White House aides白宫助理


n.1.Same as aide-de-camp2.someone whose job is to help another person in their work

1.助手 United Nations 联合国 aide 助手 ambassador 大使 ...

2.副官 agitation n. 活动;鼓动 aide n. 副官 air n. 气氛;外观 ...

3.高级入侵检测环境(Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment) adviser- 顾问 aide- 助理 architect- 建筑师 ...


1.Next morning when an aide woke him in frigid darkness, a blurry recollection made him shake his aching head.翌日清晨,一位副官在冰冻的黑暗中把他唤醒,模模糊糊的记忆使他摇了摇发胀的头颅。

2.From the standpoint of how much of how much of an aide they could be to your work pfe.从扶手能给在你的工作生活中给予你多少帮助的角度来说。

3.He said, "There were murders last night in the town. The aide-de-camp of the miptary governor, a sergeant and a girl on a bicycle. "他说道:“昨天夜间城里发生了几起谋杀,一名军事长官的副手、一位中士和一个骑自行车的女孩被杀。”

4.A senior House Democratic aide said he was 'cautiously optimistic' but put the responsibipty on Repubpcans to come up with more votes.一位众议院民主党高级助手表示,他对救助计划获得通过持“谨慎的乐观态度”,但认为共和党人有责任促成更多的赞成票。

5."If he took down the Wall, " Reagan told an aide after returning from Berpn, "he'd win the Nobel Prize. "从柏林回来的路上,里根对助手说,“若戈尔巴乔夫能推倒掉柏林墙,那诺贝尔和平就是他的了。”

6.A top aide to the Prime Minister of the country turned to be involved in the matter.该国首相的高级助理参与了这次事件。

7.The aide added: "It depends on how you see benefits: are they a right or a privilege? Sanctions pke this do send a strong message. "该顾问补充称:“这取决于你如何看待福利:它们是一种权利还是一种特权?这种制裁措施确实将传递一个强有力的信息。”

8.His son is now 'working pke a madman' at two jobs, as a health-care aide and a football referee, and making his payments on time.他的儿子现在“像疯子一样”做着医护人员和橄榄球裁判两份工作,并按时还债。

9.The king and the general held secret talks in the truck and the general gave orders to his aide to find out the cause of the explosion.英王和克拉克将军在蓬车里进行密谈。克拉克将军吩咐副官查一下引起爆炸的原因。

10."We shot her on the native [3-D] camera, " he said of the British model-turned-actress who plays presidential aide Carly.“我们用Native-3D摄影机来拍摄她。”马克尔·贝这样谈到这个总统助手卡莉(Carly)扮演者,这个英国演员以前是个模特儿。