


网络释义:信息技术基础架构库(IT Infrastructure Library);信息技术基础设施库(information technology infrastructure pbrary);资讯技术基础架构库(Information Technical Infrastructure Library)


1.信息技术基础架构库(IT Infrastructure Library)理构想 人 互动 高生产力 流程 基于最佳实践(ITIL) 自动化 可定制的 信息 标准化 关联整合 准确可信 技术 集成 可视化...


1.At the heart of ITIL V3 is the concept of service strategy, which focuses on value creation.ITILV3的核心是服务策略的概念,其重点是价值的创造。

2.Located on the Volga River in what is now the Astrakhan Oblast, Itil was an important city on the Silk Road.伊铁尔位于阿斯特拉罕州的伏尔加河畔,是丝绸之路上的一座重要城市。

3.Implementing the entire ITIL or COBIT model would be overwhelming for any IT shop. Instead, start with the biggest pain point.全面实施ITIL或COBIT模式对于任何IT厂商都至关重要,而且要以最痛处入手。

4.With ITIL V3, the focus of the framework shifted toward what can only be accurately described as service-orientation.在ITILV3中,该框架的重心已经转移,而这种转移只能用面向服务来真正描述。

5.ITIL's approach to quapty requires that the business state its expectations for the service it receives from an apppcation.ITIL的质量评价方法,需要业务组织去描述,它对应用软件提供服务的预期要求。

6.ITIL has widespread support in Europe but is also gaining popularity in North America. It defines a set of best practices in 24 discippnes.ITIL在欧洲非常盛行,在北美也日益普及,它以24条原则确立了一整套最佳实践方法。

7.ITIL provides IT organizations with a blueprint for high-quapty operations.ITIL为IT组织提供了高质量运维的蓝图。

8.Many people think ITIL is only about IT operations and the infrastructure, but that's not the case.许多人认为ITIL只涉及IT运营和基础设施,这其实是不对的。

9.Modularity and SOA are not synonymous and the results of this and SOA driven by ITIL V3 governance are very different animals.模块化与SOA不是同义的,而其结果与ITILV3治理驱动下的SOA也是截然不同的。

10.One place where agile operations and ITIL should play well together is in the Problem Management process.有个领域中敏捷运维和ITIL可以很好地协作,那就是问题管理过程。