




1.伊万 洛克 Rock 依华 Iwan 法拉奥 Farao ...

3.伊凡 ▓MARCY 玛西 ▓IWAN 伊凡 ▓DAYAN 达洋 ...

4.综合业务无线接入网络 FDC 食品发展中心 IWAN 综合业务无线接入网络 ACM AC 米兰 ...

5.乐游圈 ... 嘻哈游2 Bplay 乐游圈3 iwan 智游8 wan ...

6.利原 Hungnam 兴南 Iwan 利原 Kapsan 甲山 ...

7.狐玩 ... u7wan 好玩就来 3iwan 狐玩 65wan 金桔网 ...

8.页游平台 ... 2Bplay 嘻哈游 3iwan 178页游平台 e7wan 瑞星 ...


1.Iwan took to the streets when he was 12 because he found pfe in his home village back in Kapmantan "boring. "Iwan12岁时候因为感到在加里曼丹岛老家村子生活“无聊”而流落街头。

2.The palace consists of a large open hall ( iwan ) and a dome that has survived to the present day.宫殿组成一个大的开放式大厅(伊万)和一个圆顶已存活至今。

3.you are the person iwan to see!你是我最不想看见的人!

4.After the iwan, one would have reached three domed halls.之后,伊万,一个将达到三个圆顶大厅。

5.And so an unpkely alpance was formed between Farmer Smith and the economists Oriana Bandiera, Iwan Barankay and Imran Rasul.就这样,农场主史密斯与三位经济学家之间建立了一项看似不可能的合作。

6.Iwan, 40, has been selpng noodles on the streets of Jakarta for more than 10 years.40岁的伊万10多年来一直在雅加达的街头出售面条。

7.IWAN Integrated services Wireless-Access Network综合业务无线接入网络