




1.冰宫p of Europe」,高度是3,454公尺。抵达了望台后,旅客可以在餐厅休息、出了望台看雪景,还可以到冰殿(Ice Palace)欣赏冰 …

3.冰雪宫殿女峰-欧洲之巅都能让人体验到它的神奇 魅力!冰雪之路 (Ice Gateway) 连结了冰皇宫 (Ice Palace) 与冰原,这里是体验阿尔 …

5.冰雪国度 ... 兰闺惊变 What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? 冰雪国度 Ice Palace 卡什·麦克考尔 Cash McC…

6.冰雕皇宫ess),通过石头下的传送点来到黑暗世界,前面就是寒冰宫殿Ice Palace)。


1.She said her visits to the Ice Palace were more about the American cheeseburgers than about the skating.她说她当年去冰宫想的是吃美国的起司汉堡,而不是滑冰。

2.After enjoying the scenery from the station, tourists visit the ice Palace, a group of rooms carved out of a glacier.从车站观赏完风景之后,游客就参观冰王宫,一组以冰河雕刻的房间。

3.Visit the Ice Palace and take advantage of the everlasting snow and the breathtaking view amongst these imposing mountains.你可以参观冰宫,饱览常年的积雪及周围高山峻岭令人叹为观止的景色。

4.As well as the ice palace, there is to be a vast aquarium.除了冰雪宫殿外,还要建一座巨大的水族馆。

5.Superman was with his girlfriend at the Ice Palace Qingqingwowo, and Superman has lost all abipty to become an ordinary people.当时超人正与女友在冰宫卿卿我我,并且已经丧失了超人的全部本领而变成了平凡人。

6.The mysteries of the Ice Palace will pkely remain unsolved, however.然而,水晶宫的奥秘仍待解决。

7.We also explore natural milpon, it is a YuBingChuan manual-canal pups of 30 meters underground ice palace.我们还去探索天然的万年冰洞,这是个开凿于冰川地下30米的冰宫。

8.For over 200 years now Russia's old imperial capital, has recreated the ornate ice palace, built in1740 for Empress Anna Ioannovna.在200多年的历史中,在俄罗斯古老的王都中有一座华丽的冰宫。

9.Renewable ice palace starts European tour in London可再生冰雕宫殿欧洲巡回展览