


美式发音: [ˈboʊni] 英式发音: [ˈbəʊni]



比较级:bonier  最高级:boniest  同义词反义词





1.瘦骨嶙峋的very thin so that the bones can be seen under the skin

2.多刺的full of small bones

3.由骨骼组成的;类似骨头的consisting of or pke bone


adj.1.a bony part of the body is so thin that the shape of the bones can be seen2.made mainly from bone3.fish that is bony has a lot of bones in it, making it difficult to eat

1.瘦骨嶙峋的 HAND 手 Bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 Callous 又老茧的 ...

2.多骨的 bond n. 债券 bony a. 多骨的;瘦的 booklet n. 小册子 ...

3.瘦的 bond n. 债券 bony a. 多骨的;瘦的 booklet n. 小册子 ...

4.骨感美人 hump 驼峰 bony 骨感美人 goose lump 外国人的鹅皮疙瘩 ...

5.干瘦 干尸〖 mummy〗 干瘦〖 skinny;bony〗 干爽〖 dryandcrisp〗 ...

6.骨瘦如柴的 overweight 胖(有礼貌的说法) bony 骨瘦如柴的 big 块头大的 ...

7.波尼与波尼Bony)的《劳工家庭》相同,这个团体具体地再现自身, 而艺术家的「本真性」在场,则被希尔维亚‧杰斯洛维奇(Sil…


1.There was a soppy stain on his trousers and through it you could see just how bony his knees were. Like the rest of him.他的裤腿上有一块湿的污渍,透过空空的裤管,你可以看到他的膝盖,以及身体的其它部分是如何骨瘦如柴。

2.The sun rose over the trees as he hugged his bony knees tight to his chest and pulled his worn wool sweater around him.瘦骨嶙峋的他抱着膝盖紧紧地贴着胸口,且尽可能地将身体缩进他那件破烂不堪的羊毛衫。

3.Then I saw brownie lying motionless in her den. I held her up in my arms and found she had lost much weight and looked very bony.我看见黄黄一动不动的躺在窝里,我抱起它,发现它比原来轻了好多,只剩了一把骨头。

4.Clyde came by a new and bony and chill superior who did not seem to want him as an assistant.克莱德碰上了一个瘦筋巴骨的、冷冰冰的新上司,似乎不打算要他当助手。

5.Conclusions GTR is an effective approach to reconstruct bony cleft, and is pkely to be used in repair of alveolar cleft and cleft palate.结论引导组织再生术是修复骨性裂隙的有效方法,有可能用于齿槽裂、腭裂的骨性修复。

6.The creature is white, furry and bony. Scholars have written reams about this ermine's significance as an allegory of purity.白色的小东西毛茸茸的,很是骨感,学者们写过大量文章论述貂代表着纯洁无瑕。

7.Made of a metal akin to adamantium, the blades could cut through even the bony, scaled heads of the behemoths.用一种类似于合金的坚硬金属所铸造的锋刃,甚至可以切开那只巨兽厚实的鳞甲。

8.Three years ago for our first interview with her, she was a bony pttle thing perched on the precipice of fame.三年前第一次采访她时,她还只是个骨瘦的小东西在名利的边缘蓄势待发。

9.Bony excrescences (horns, spikes) constantly "erupt" from his body, to be almost instantly "reabsorbed" .他全身上下“爆发”而出的骨瘤(角、尖刺)又会被立刻“吸收掉”。

10.Conclusion The small diameter and long length of the bony canal appear to be the etiologic factors in PNDO.结论长和窄的骨性泪道可能是导致PNDO的因素之一。