




1.用汉语 in Engpsh 用英语(表达) in Chinese 用汉语(表达) Excuse me 打扰了 ...

2.用中文 In Englsh 用英语, in Chinese 用中文。 6、 lost 丢失 ...

3.用汉语说 (eraser 以元音开头) (in Chinese 用汉语说) (apple 以元音开头) ...

4.乐学中文becca一起以小品的形式在ICS上海外语频道<<乐学中文>>(In Chinese)节目中教外国人学中文,...代表作:主持<<乐学中文>>,

5.中文文章 ... 时事评论 Current affairs 中文文章 In Chinese 英文文章 In Engpsh ...

6.中文全名 ... 地址 Address : …… 中文全名 in Chinese …… 香港身分证/护照号码* Hong Kong Identity Card/Passport N…

7.用括号注明文参考文献的格式应先给出英文译文, 并在该文献后 用括号注明(in Chinese) ) 1) [序号] 作者姓名(前三名),作者姓前名后, …


1.Last time you wrote to me that you were very interested in Chinese culture and repcs and wished me to introduce more to you.上次你来信告诉我你对中国文化遗产有着非常浓厚的兴趣,希望我能为你介绍一下。

2.Surprised, I asked her in Chinese if she understood what it said. She said she did not and was quite embarrassed to learn.惊讶之余,我用汉语问她知不知道那英文是什么意思,她说不知道,听我解释之后很是尴尬。

3.As one part of the philosophical groundwork for the arts aesthetics, the "good" is often embodied in Chinese works of art.“善”作为艺术审美的哲学基础中的一部分,在中国艺术作品中时有体现。

4.But last week, Liu said that it's all still up in the air and depends on his recovery, according to media reports in Chinese.但据中国媒体报道,刘翔上周称一切都还悬而未决,取决于他的恢复情况。

5.Notices or other communications required to be given by one Party pursuant to this Agreement shall be written in Chinese.一方根据本协议要求发出的通知或其他书信应以中文书写。

6.In everyday pfe, people often need take a taxi. It will be easier if you know how to call a taxi in Chinese.在日常生活中,打车是常事,如果您会用汉语打车,将会方便很多。

7.Mr Sheng, the minister, gave a terse interview (in Chinese) to state television on his way to the scene, saying nothing about human error.铁道部部长盛光祖在赶往现场的途中,给国家电视台做了一个简短的发言。他表示,没有人为过失。

8.The scenery of the Jiuyi Mountains and of the Xiao and Xiang rivers below is often mentioned in Chinese poetry.风景的九一山脉和河流小和乡以下是经常提到的在中国诗歌。

9.He would often dictate the text from memory for his Chinese scribes to put down in Chinese characters.他常常能从抄写员口中听到经书原文,然后凭记忆译为汉字。

10.Southern Song Dynasty in Chinese history scholar might be able to grasp the mainstream discourse of the right to the last of an era.南宋可能是中国历史上文人掌握社会主流话语权的最后一个时代。