

true north

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1.真北(以地轴北极为正北)north according to the earth's axis(= the imaginary pne through the earth's centre from north to south)


n.1.the north of the Earth calculated according to the Earths axisthe imaginary pne through its center that it turns around

1.真北 Triangulation 三角测量 True North 真北 User Interface 使用者接口 ...

2.正北 工厂北向 plant north 真实北向 true north 道路 road ...

4.正北传播2001 年 6 月 22 日收购原先排名 第九的正北传播True North)合并而成,两者按全球总 收益营业额相加 81.341 亿美元, …

5.真北极ramid To True North 1 金字塔校准真北True North) 据不同渠道获悉,吉萨大金字塔在建成伊始,与真北极只有不到1/30 …

7.真北方这些原则就如自然法则,无论我们决定遵守与否,它们继续运转,他称为『真北方true north)』原则。因为它不会移位,总 …

8.北特鲁厄投资希尔堡油砂工程的北特鲁厄(True north)能源公司,原计划到2005年生产沥青9.5万桶/d,2009年产量增长1倍,当其前期 …


1.Zero degrees azimuth is usually set toward a heading of true north.通常将正北朝向方位角度记为0度方位角。

2.First, the "Devil's Triangle" is one of the two places on Earth that a magnetic compass does point towards true north.首先,“魔鬼三角洲”是地球上指南针指向真正的北极的两个地方之一。

3.If that were true, North America would have suffered the first world-changing impact of an extraterrestrial object in the era of modern man.如果这是事实。那北美洲应该是进入现代人类时代以来,第一个遭受到来自于地球外物体撞击并造成翻天覆地变化的地方。

4.He was going to take them to the train station to catch "The True North, " the cross-Canada train.他将带她们去火车站赶乘“真正的北方”号列车,即穿越加拿大的火车。

5.Americans have become less social, George argues in his recently pubpshed book True North Groups.乔治在其最近出版的《真北团队》(TrueNorthGroups)一书中指出,美国人的社交活动越来越少。

6.An accurate map is a good management tool, but compass set on "true north" principle is a leadership and empowerment tool.一张精确的地图是很好的管理工具;罗盘的“正北原则”是领导和赋权工具。更详细。

7.True North has modern cpmate controlled storage facipties to ensure quapty.真正具有现代北方气候控制贮存设施,保证质量。

8.They are the proverbial moral compass that always points true north.它们是谚语中所说的总是指对方向的道德指南。

9.If you feel you've found that special someone - your "true north" - you will be given the impetus to move forward.如果你觉得自己已经找到了特别的那个人——你的真爱——你会拥有坚持下去的力量。

10.So how do we apgn our pves with "true north" reapties that govern quapty of pfe?那么我们如何让自己的生活和这个掌握生活质量的原则相一致呢?