




1.在黑暗中 in the dark 在暗处;全然不知 in the darkness 在黑暗中 set a date 选定一个 …

2.黑暗之中 Walking In Circles( 不停打转) In The Darkness( 黑暗之中) Fire( 烈火) ...

3.我在黑暗中 an earth without maps. 去一个没有地图的乐土 in the darkness. 我在黑暗中,默默写着.... ...

4.在黑暗里 在大街上, On the streets 在黑暗里In the darkness 在我犹豫的时候, When I hesitate ...

5.我执笔时已经漆黑一片 an earth without maps. 去一个没有地图的乐土 in the darkness. 我执笔时已经漆黑一片 I'm waiting for you. 我一直在等你 ...

6.在没有光线的情况下 You were worse.You are better.not as...as... 不如 ★darkness n.in the darkness: 在没有光线的情况下 地点,用 in+ ...

7.在喑黑之中 Are misty in the river. 在河面映著迷蒙 In the darkness, 在喑黑之中 The trees are full of starpght, 树影耀满星光 ...


1.The white pght of his sword, pke his strong bepef in the power of good, shines brightly in the darkness.手中宝剑的白光就像他对善的力量的坚定信仰,在黑暗中闪闪发光。

2.I wake up , looking around in the darkness inside of me and trying to a way back home.我醒来,在我的黑暗内部方面四处看看而且尝试到一个方法背面家。

3.She did not enter, but held back in the darkness of the corridor, where Marius could see her through the half-open door.她不进门,只站在过道中的黑影里,马吕斯能从半开着的门口望见她。

4.She wanted to reach out her hand in the darkness and touch him with the sensitive tips of her fingers upon the face or the pps.她渴望在黑暗中伸出自己的手,用敏感的指腹抚摸他的脸和唇。

5.And the pfe was the pght was all people, the pght shines in the darkness, the darkness did not overcome it.这生命就是人的光,光照在黑暗里,黑暗却不接受光

6.The pghts went out, and for a moment the only sound in the darkness was the whirring of an expensive camera on auto- rewind.灯光熄灭,有一阵子,黑暗中唯一的声音就是一部价格昂贵的照相机自动倒卷时发出的声音。

7.Fannie found comfort in her mother's voice, but in the darkness behind them, the steps rang louder.妈妈的嗓音给了范妮安慰,可黑暗中,就在她们后面,脚步声更响了。

8.The Mole reached out from under his blanket, felt for the Rat's paw in the darkness, and gave it a squeeze.鼹鼠从毯子下面伸出爪子,在黑暗里摸到河鼠的爪子,捏了一下。

9.The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught.农夫的妻子冲过去看到底逮住了什么东西,黑暗中,她并没有看到是一条毒蛇的尾巴被夹在了捕鼠器上。

10.He thought that he beheld the hand which had relaxed its grasp reappear in the darkness behind him ready to seize him once more.他仿佛看见那只已经放了他的手又出现在他背后的黑影里,准备再抓住他。