




1.狂野之旅现一天后就已经变亮20倍,观察它如何展开将是一次“狂野之旅wild ride)”。

2.牛仔 彩虹,英国温布尔登 Rainbow over Wimbledon 牛仔 Wild ride 爽呀! Incpned to have fun ...

3.狂骑 ... 4、Steamworks . 浩劫重生 6、Wild Ride . 狂骑 1、The Guys Next Door - Parts One & Two . 隔壁的家伙 …

4.骑野马h DeMoss)扮成电影《阿凡达》中的人物参加“骑野马”(Wild Ride)比赛时从马上摔下来。


1.Among the many wild changes observable on famipar things which made this wild ride unreal, not the least was the seeming rarity of sleep.在这次荒唐的骑马旅行中他发现许多日常事物发生了近于虚幻的荒唐变化,睡眠很少似乎并不是其中最小的变化。

2.Lynette: When Tom and I were first married, things got a pttle out of hand on Mr. Toad's wild ride.Tom和我刚结婚的时候,在Toad先生的WildRide上有些事情变得无法控制

3.The entire cast is so much fun and I think it's going to be a wild ride.整个剧组太有意思了,我想它将使你感觉像是在野外旅行。

4."It was a scientific wild ride, pke an E ticket at Disneyland, " he says.“那是一次科学的激流探险,就像一张幻想世界的门票”,他说。

5.To avoid being bogged down in contemplating the wild ride, just focus on the outcome.为了避免人们在太大范围上思索陷入泥沼而不能自拔,就关注这结果好了。

6.It's a great psychological thriller and a wild ride, and I enjoyed every second.这是一部心理悬疑巨作,每一刻都让我深深着迷。

7.If this month has felt pke a wild ride for stock investors, it has been positively hair-raising for those in the commodities market.这个月股市已经够刺激的了,而大宗商品市场更为惊险。

8.He suggests that investors around the world strap in for a wild ride of deflation and inflation.他暗示,全球投资者应该为通缩和通胀的剧烈动荡做好准备。

9.Through the wild ride, Stojakovic was a vital member of the championship run.在冠军之路,维奇是一个重要的队员。

10.If fellow Internet star Bezos is any guide, Zuckerberg could still be in store for a wild ride.如果同是互联网巨星的贝佐斯有什么指导意义的话,那么扎克伯格很有可能还会经历一番打拼。