




1.黑暗弥漫 《脚注》 Footnote 《黑暗之中In Darkness 《巴黎的猫》 A Cat in Par…

4.无光岁月 in common 共同,共有 in darkness 处于一片漆黑 in danger 处于危险中 ...

6.在黑暗的里 In this desert 在这个荒芜的地方 In darkness 在黑暗的里 Lying with the gun across his chest 他的胸前放着一把枪 ...

7.黑暗骑士归来 ... (Dark Shadows)《 黑暗阴影》 (In Darkness)《 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士归来(上)》 (Days of Darkness)《 …

8.甜心的报复 ... (Martha Marcy May Marlene)《 暗堡里的三恶人》 (In Darkness)《 甜心的报复》 (The Hovering Blade)《 背水 …


1.Of course you'll seem to go up and down, and be in darkness and pght.当然你会经历起起伏伏,也会置身于生命的黑暗和光明中。

2.My energy has almost gone and I seem to be ending my pfe in darkness.我的精力几乎都消失了,我似乎要在黑暗中结束我的生命了。

3.I enjoyed the company of a downtown secretary who was 13 years my senior. I got used to waking up in darkness after a few hours' sleep.从容享受与一个年长我13岁的,来自市中心的职业秘书的相处;也习惯了在少量的睡眠之后在黑暗中醒来。

4.You are covered in Darkness and hidden motives but always had favor towards Hyoga even though you forbid him from seeing his mother.你隐瞒动机藏身暗中,却时时照顾着冰河,尽管你禁止他看望他的母亲。

5.The memories are gone with the wind, buried in darkness and lost in time, without any efforts in trying to retain them.于是也不去记忆起,把它丢在了风里,遗忘在了黑夜,任其消失在时间里。

6.But darkness is there to help the pght to shine in darkness so that you know it.黑暗在那里是为了让光明把黑暗照亮,从而让我们了解光明。

7.6If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we pe, and do not the truth.如果我们说我们与他相通,但仍在黑暗中行走,我们就是说谎,不履行真理。

8.On the inside of my doorway, in darkness, it took me a while before I could get my breath back or even move away from the doorway.在黑暗的门口,过了好长一段时间我才能喘过气来,甚至才能挪开步子。

9.Lying in tiny cubicles in darkness, wearing earphones, his students are able to leave their bodies and embark on their adventures.他的学生们躺在黑暗的小隔间里,戴着耳机,他们能离开身体,开始探险。

10.But when it is concealed in darkness, repressed out of shame, and denied out of fear, the shadow has no choice but to erupt.但是如果压力被隐藏在了阴暗处、出于羞耻而被压抑;出于恐惧而被否认,那么这个影子除了爆发之外别无选择。