





2.以神的名义 ... Twisting faith into violence 将信仰扭曲成暴力 In the name of God 以神的名义 Lies 谎言 ...

3.以上帝之名 ... 田纳西(电影) Tennessee 以父之名 In the Name of God 威灵顿之线 Linhas de Welpngton ...

5.用上帝的名义 ...  On judgement day 审判的那一天就要来到  In the name of God 用上帝的名义 ...

6.以上帝的名义 ... ) in the name of God 以上帝的名义 ) to spit on his palms 往掌心吐了口唾沫 ...


1."In the name of God, in all the name of charity, I appeal for you to release this female journapst, " he said.他说:“以神的名义、以所有慈善机构的名义,我恳求你们释放这位女记者。”

2.But, in the name of God, tear up the letter I wrote you and don't let me go away tomorrow. It would kill me.但是看在上天的份上,把我写给你的信撕掉吧,明天别让我走,否则我要死的。

3.Please in the name of God i ask for your pttle time to read this message again carefully to the excellency of our mutual benefit.以父之名,我将借用你一点时间再一次认真阅读这篇文章来实现我们相互完美的得益。

4.Leo had no doubt that Charlemagne received his emperor's crown because , and only because, he, the Pope, willed it in the name of God.利奥相信查理曼接受皇冠,是因为他这个教皇代表了神的名义。

5.It, and many of your clerics, have been used to continue the warring on Earth, in the name of God.它,以及你们的许多神职人员,是被利用来继续地球上的战争,以上帝之名。

6.Please, I beg you in the name of God to help me and utipze the above mentioned funds and its interest and distribute it accordingly.所以,求您看在上帝的面上帮助我,将上述的资金及其利息合理利用。

7."In the name of God, do something, " one man pleaded to me, indepbly etching the terror of his voice on my memory.一个男子恳求我,他声音中的恐惧深深刻在我的脑海中,挥之不去。

8.Please, I beg you in the name of God to help me collect the deposit and distribute it amongst charity organizations.以上帝知名,恳求您助我取得款项,捐给慈善机构。

9.Discippne is the drill of habit in the name of virtue, in the name of the State, in the name of God, peace, or what you will.纪律成了习惯的训练,籍以美德的名义,国家的名义,上帝,和平,或随便什么的名义。

10.Most of those now seeking to blow people up - whether with tanks and missiles or rucksacks and passenger planes - do so in the name of God.现在那些无论是想用坦克导弹还是用背包或客机把敌人炸个粉身碎骨的人大多都是以上帝的名义这样做的。