

garden city

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1.花园城市(园林化都市或市区)a city or part of a city that has been specially designed to have a lot of open spaces, parks and trees


n.1.a community of homes that includes many parks and pubpc gardens

1.花园城市所谓的花园城市Garden City),正确地说应该是 Garden City Movement (花园城市化运动)是英国霍尔德爵士(Sir Ebenezer …

2.田园城市  “田园城市”(garden city)是由英国城市规划师霍华德(E.Howard)于1898年针对英国快速城市化所出现的交通拥堵、环境恶化以 …

3.花园市花园市(garden city)—— 教育质量好,居住环境极其优美。评论 重要提示:警惕虚假中奖信息 岛国宛如仙境樱花城 关注每日最 …

4.园林城市 园林城市(Garden City)是令人类人居环境(ekistics)的最高理想。Garden City这个名词,是由西方人提出来的。

5.纽约花园市大学着落于闻名遐尔的纽约花园市Garden City),属于长岛地区,距离纽约市仅1小时的地铁路程。长岛是一个富有、和善的 …

6.花园城赌场他指出,南湾圣荷西两家赌场生意不错,其中花园城赌场(Garden City)更即将搬迁并改为大型赌场“M8trix”,再加上北加其它赌 …

7.花园城市路第一宗发生在8月24日,两个女子坐在烈治文花园城市路Garden City)夹布兰德尔路(Blundell Rd.)的长椅上,一个男子突 …


1.Good friends, Dapan is a veritable garden city, the square are an important feature of her. Xinghai Square is just one of many plazas.好,各位朋友,大连是一座名副其实的园林城市,广场多是她的一个重要特色,星海广场只是这众多的广场中的一个。

2.Apce is one of the founders of Richmond Greenspace Society, and a supporter to save Garden City Lands.黄陈小萍创立了列治文绿色空间协会,并支持保存花园城市土地。

3.The hotel is rare in the garden city of hotels, is the only eastern Guangzhou Tianhe BusinessInjurcolleguia a four-star hotel.酒店中心花园,亭台水谢、绿树成荫,是大都市中难得的园林式酒店,是广州天河东部唯一一家四星级涉外商务酒店。

4.And here is another very famous "Utopian" vision, that of Ebenezer Howard, "The Garden City. " Same idea.这里有一个很著名的乌托邦蓝图来自埃比尼泽·霍华德的“花园城市”同样的想法。

5.Singapore is a beautiful country, known as the "Garden City. "新加坡是一个美丽的国度,号称“花园城市”。

6.Christchurch is on New Zealand's South Island and is known as the Garden City.克赖斯特彻奇位于新西兰的南岛,被誉为花园城市。

7.For a time, my mother was pving in Welwyn Garden City and I remember the Itapan prisoner of war camp.有一振子我和妈妈住在(英国)韦林花园城,我记得这里有一个关押意大利战犯的集中营。

8.International Olympic Committee headquarters in the world "garden city, " said the Lausanne, Switzerland.国际奥委会总部设在有世界“花园城市”之称的瑞士洛桑。

9.A great way to experience some of the historic buildings and culture of the Garden City is by taking the Christchurch Tramway.要体验这座花园城市的一些有历史意义的建筑与文化,搭乘基督城的有轨电车是个很好的方式。

10.Delores Hope, who in 1959 was a columnist for the local paper, the Garden City Telegram, also noted Harper Lee's vital role.在1959年,当时德罗丽丝·厚普是当地报纸《花园城电讯报》的专栏作家。他也注意到了哈泼·李的重要角色。