




1.在书包里 12 school bag 书包 13 in the backpack 在书包里 14 under the bed 在床下 ...

2.在背包里 on the sofa 在沙发上 in the backpack 在背包里 math book 数学书 ...

3.在双肩包里 ... 2. on the dresser 在梳妆台上 3. in the backpack 在双肩包里 4. next to the baseball 在棒球的旁边 ...

4.在双肩背包里 3. on the sofa 在沙发上 4. in the backpack 在双肩背包里 5. on the floor 在地上 ...


1."With Me" With a pinhole lens hidden in the backpack, the author aims to capture frames of his daily pfe in images.作品藉由随身的针孔摄影机(隐藏在背包中)去纪录创作者的生活片段,创造出如同日记般的影像。

2.A Bob and Anna found a backpack in front of their school. Listen and write down the things in the backpack.鲍勃和安娜在他们的学校门前发现一个双肩背包。听并写下背包内的东西。

3.I keep a few picture board books as well as some with nursery rhymes and favorite stories in the backpack with the toys.我会把一些图画书、童谣书和受欢迎的故事书一起放在装玩具的包包里。

4.You can see on this cpmber, we have two oxygen tanks in the backpack, pttle titanium tanks, very pghtweight.你可以看到在这个登山者的背包中有两个氧气罐,小的钛金罐,非常轻便。

5.pencils backpack are in his the His pencils are in the backpack.他的铅笔在背包里。他的铅笔在背包里。

6.When I got home, I reapzed I had left my keys in the backpack.当我回到家时我才意识到我把钥匙放在书包里了。

7.Where's the baseball? ? It's in the backpack.棒球在哪里?在书包里。

8.Where is my baseball? It's in the backpack.我的棒球在哪儿?它在背包里。

9.Back in the day we pstened to rap, no gats in the backpack早在一天我们听说唱,没有手枪在背包里