




1.独立广场 和独立广场 Independence Square 第四站:雀鸟公园 Bird Park ...

4.独立纪念园区,只是人工翻检一下背包、提包),进入被围栏围起来的独立厅背面院落Independence Square),排队等候进入的过程中…


1.There had been high expectations for President Obama addressing thousands of Ghanians at the nation's Independence Square.人们对奥巴马总统在加纳独立广场对成千上万加纳人发表的演说充满了的期待。

2.THE stage on Independence Square is set, the props are out, the players are ready for the general election on September 30th.独立广场的辩论讲台已经布置完毕,给选民的小道具也就位,竞选人也做好了准备以参加九月三十日的全国普选。

3.Malaysia dancing troupes perform traditional dances during The Colors of Malaysia Parade at the Independence square in Kuala Lumpur Sunday.周日于吉隆坡独立广场上举行的「色彩缤纷的马来西亚」游行上,舞群正表演传统舞蹈。

4.After the president's tour of Cape Coast Castle Saturday he was scheduled to address thousands of Ghanians at Independence Square.奥巴马总统周六参观海岸角城堡之后计划在独立广场向数千名迦纳人发表讲话。

5.The Newly elected president of Ghana John Atta Mills has been sworn in at the ceremony of the independence square in Accra.新当选的总统约翰米尔斯已好加纳在仪式上宣誓就职的独立广场。

6.For several days she clung to the television news, watching people pke her husband make history in Kiev 's Independence Square.接下来的几日里,她整天都盯着电视新闻,关注着像她丈夫一样的乌克兰人在基辅独立广场创造历史。

7.I'm in the main square here in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital - Independence Square it's called.我现在的位置是乌克兰首都基辅一个主要的广场--独立广场。

8.Kreschatik Street and Independence Square are located just 2 km away.Kreschatik大街和独立广场距离酒店仅2公里。

9.I came back from the city centre and walked though Independence Square which is next to my hostel.我从市中心回来,路过我旅馆旁边的独立广场。