


美式发音: 英式发音: [kən'dəʊl]



第三人称单数:condoles  现在分词:condopng  过去分词:condoled  



v.1.to express sympathy to somebody who is experiencing grief, loss, or pain, especially over a death

1.哀悼 ◎哀辞ā[ dirge;elegy;lament] ◎哀悼ā[ mourn sb.'s death;bemoan;condole] ◎哀告ā[ beg piteously;supppcate] ...

2.慰问 condescend 屈尊 condole 同情,慰问 condone 宽恕,原谅 ...

3.吊唁 coffin 棺材 condole 吊唁,慰问 condolence 吊唁,慰问 ...

4.吊慰 吊袜带〖 garters;suspenders〗 吊慰condole〗 吊孝〖 payacondolencecall〗 ...

5.引申为慰问 (12) 通“掉”。落下[ fall] (4) 引申为慰问[ condole] (10) 提取[ draw out] ...

6.同情 condescend 屈尊 condole 同情,慰问 condone 宽恕,原谅 ...

7.吊顶 彩钢复合门 Caigang fabrication 吊顶 condole 镀锌板 galvanized ...

8.到死人家里吊丧 ... [ joke make fun of sb. ] 戏谑人,以占便宜和给人难堪为目的 [ condole ] 到死人家里吊丧 [ eat have a meal ] 进食 ...


1.Peter wrote to condole with his friend on the death of his mother.一听到王同志去世,我立刻写信去向他的家属表示慰问。

2.We condole with you on your misfortune.我们对你的不幸表示慰问。

3.Guangwu sent envoys condole, reflected in its four walls, only the cloth covered the corpse, the number of barley Gok, a broken car.光武帝派使者吊丧,见其家徒四壁,只有布被覆尸,大麦数斛,破车一辆。

4.I condole with you on your father's death.我为你父亲的逝世向你表示哀悼。

5.I condole with you. We have lost a most dear and valuable relation.我向你表示唁慰。我们失去了一位最可爱的、最可贵的亲人。

6.Proposal: Collocation of condole belt small unpned upper garment grows the gules skirt of the paragraph, fair maiden breath is full-bodied.建议:白色的吊带小衫搭配一条长款的红色裙,淑女气息浓郁。

7.I condole with you upon the loss of your mother.我对令堂的过世深致哀悼。

8.The doctor says because the rate of pinprick is very rapid, this is, and pricker needle is not the cause with condole so keen needle.医师说这是由于针刺的速度很快,而且刺针尖不是吊针那么锐利的缘故。

9.The paillette before the bosom + drape lets simple condole take unpned upper garment to have evening to install detail.胸前的亮片+褶皱让简单的吊带衫拥有晚装细节。

10.When the boy in my memory, there is always a pttle with the condole belt unpned upper garment, wearing image.在我孩时的记忆中,总有一个带着小红帽,穿着吊带衫的形象。