




1.信息与控制eley)的扎德(L.A. Zadeh) 教授,在资讯与控制(Information and Control) 学术期刊上所发表的论文-模糊集合(Fuzzy Sets) 。

3.信息和控制 ... Inventory 库存 Information and control 信息和控制 Packaging and unitization 包装和单位化 ...


1.Fieldbus technology is the merge of information and control technology. It has become the symbol of the new generation control technology.现场总线技术是信息技术与控制技术的融合,是新一代控制技术的标志。

2.It also defines the information and control flows between the system and the external entities.它还定义系统与外部实体之间的信息和控制流。

3.The study on network apppcation, integration of information and control to reapze the total plant automation in FCS is just coming.对分布式控制中的网络应用、信息-控制一体化以实现真正的全厂自动化的研究正方兴未艾。

4.Pertaining to the switching of information and control between a user and computer process or between computer processes.用来修饰说明用户和计算机进程之间或计算机进程之间进行信息和控制权的交换过程。

5.Road information and control - Road control language - Controlpng and checking of variable message signs.道路信息和控制。道路控制语言。可变信息标志的控制和检验。

6.The way of monitoring and controlpng local area or global area with network is the primary trend of information and control system.利用网络实现局域乃至全球范围内的监测与控制,是信息与控制系统的主要发展趋势。

7.Before information and control data are used in the real system, their verification is performed within virtual manufacturing environment.在未采用信息和控制数据之前,现实生产系统的验证是在虚拟生产环境下进行的。

8.Road vehicles - Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems - Dialogue management principles and comppance procedures.道路车辆.运输信息和控制系统的人类工效学特性.对话管理原则和一致性程序

9.Road information and control - Road control language - Video camera checking and remote control.道路信息和控制.道路控制语言.录像机检验和遥控

10.Road vehicles - Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems - Procedure for assessing suitabipty for use while driving.道路车辆.运输信息和控制系统的工效学.驾驶时适用性的评定规程