




1.问自己 ... for the asking 一经索取免费赠送;免费 asking myself 并问问自己;问自己 Asking merit 问优点 ...

2.并问问自己 ... for the asking 一经索取免费赠送;免费 asking myself 并问问自己;问自己 Asking merit 问优点 ...

3.我问我自己 ... hoping and wondering if you think of me 期待着你能想起我 又对此深感疑虑 asking myself 我问我自己 ...

4.扪心自问 ... hoping and wondering if you think of me 期盼和好奇你时候在想我 asking myself 扪心自问 ...

5.千万次地问千万次地问(Asking myself)Updated: 2008-08-06 14:55


1.The year without crisis? I began asking myself: Has there ever been a year without crisis?今年没有危机?我开始扪心自问:有哪一年我们没有经历过危机?

2.Mike: You know Kate, I was asking myself the same question, why I was an insensitive jealous fool?迈克:凯特,我也在问自己同样的问题,我怎么变成了一个爱嫉妒的傻瓜?

3.I have time and again been asking myself if I am really prepared to leave the African continent or not.我一在问自己,是否我已准备好离开非洲这块土地。

4.So, if I stand back and I look across all of our research. I'm always asking myself, what of our findings have changed me?回顾自己所有的研究,我总是在问,我们被哪些发现所改变?

5.If I were back in the situation room in the White House asking myself what I would advise the president, this is what I would do.如果我回到白宫情况室,自问能为总统提供什么建议,以下是我会说的。

6.When "Tom" invited me to shoot for this series, I started asking myself what would be a good subject to shoot?当TOM邀请我拍摄这个系列的时候,我就问自己:这次拍摄最好的主题应该是什么呢?

7.I kept asking myself. for all the years, i've been trying to searching the answer, but failed.这么多年来,我一直试着寻找答案,但是未果。

8.I used to pray five times a day, and my bepef was strong, but I kept asking myself: Where is God? Why am I here?我从前每日祈祷五次,我的信仰十分坚强,但我也常问上帝在哪儿,我为何在这儿?

9.It is a question that I've been asking myself a lot lately while trying to find new ways to look at pfe balance.这是个最近我一直多次问我自己的问题,同时,我试图去发现用新的方式来看待生活的平衡。

10.I spent the rest of the week asking myself difficult questions and weighing past transgressions against my desire to write again.在那个星期剩下的时间里,我一直在问自己一些难答的问题,回顾以往的得失利弊,权衡是否要再次动笔。