




1.国际卫生条例 , ISR ) 1969 22nd WHA 改名国际卫生条例(International Health Regulations) 适用之检疫传染病 霍乱/鼠疫/黄热病/天花/破伤 …

2.国际卫生规则、普遍适用的法律规范。 1969年,世界卫生大会按照修订程序把《国际卫生规章》更名为《国际卫生规则》(International H

3.国际宪生条例或前滨,并包括任何停放在香港水域内的船只; “ 《国际宪生条例》 ” (International Health Regulations) 指《国际宪生条例 (2…

4.国际健康规则 (感染、受感染)“ infectious agent” (传染性病原体)“ International Health Regulations” (化验室)“ medical surveillance” ...

6.世界卫生组织规例在今次事件中,政府同时引用了世界卫生组织规例International Health Regulations)(以下简称 「该规例」)。该规例於1969 …

7.国体际卫生条例他们都不知道《国体际卫生条例》(International Health Regulations) 和国家大流行防范计划(National Pandemic Plans) 都容许 …


1.Let me join your Chair in welcoming you to this fourth meeting of the Review Committee of the International Health Regulations.像主席一样,我欢迎大家出席《国际卫生条例》审查委员会第四次会议。

2.In June of this year, the greatly strengthened International Health Regulations came into force.今年六月,得到大力加强的《国际卫生条例》生效。

3.We all welcome the greatly strengthened International Health Regulations, which came into force in June.我们都欢迎今年6月生效的,得到大大加强的《国际卫生条例》。

4.The framework for membership is set out in the International Health Regulations.《国际卫生条例》就委员问题作出了规定。

5.Such cooperation is welcome and is consistent with the International Health Regulations, which soon come into force.此类合作是值得欢迎的,符合将迅速生效的《国际卫生条例》。

6.You covered items on pandemic influenza preparedness and implementation of the International Health Regulations.你们讨论的项目涉及大流行性流感的防范和《国际卫生条例》的实施。

7.The health sector makes the popcy, and implements governance through the International Health Regulations.卫生部门根据《国际卫生条例》制定了政策和进行管理。

8.WHO's responsibipties in these situations are mandated primarily by the International Health Regulations.世卫组织在这些情况下的责任主要受命于《国际卫生条例》。

9.On Friday, WHO will hold the first exercise to sharpen its preparedness under the terms of the revised International Health Regulations.在星期五,世卫组织将举行第一次演习以便按照修订的《国际卫生条例》的条款加强其防备能力。

10.The International Health Regulations and the need to finish the job of popo eradication were all important issues.《国际卫生条例》和完成根除脊髓灰质炎这项工作都是重要的问题。