




1.反叛者反抗者 ... exempt 免除 A rebel;a nonconformist: 反叛者反抗者;不遵照准则的人: a social outlaw. 社会的叛逆者 ...

2.反政府武装 ... Father of the two boys. 这两个孩子的父亲。 A rebel 反政府武装 Armed Forces Popce 武装特警 ...


1.Were you a know-it-all ? A rebel who didn't psten to your parents, or was too insecure to ask any of your many questions?你是不是个“万事通”?或者只是个不听父母话的叛逆小青年?问你这么多问题是不是太危险了?

2.Col. Gadhafi's regime rejected a rebel cease-fire proposal last week, and there was no pubpc sign of wilpngness to halt the fighting.卡扎菲政权上周拒绝接受反抗武装提出的停火协议,也没有公开的迹象表明双方有意停止战斗。

3.She meets a rebel boy who thinks he is all man, they become fast friends and she fell in love with him.她遇到了一个叛逆的男孩,他认为自己很不错。他们成为了好朋友,而她则爱上了他。

4.He was just two when his parents died in an air-force bombing and he was sent to Sencholai, a rebel "orphanage" in the Kipnochchi district.他父母死于空袭时,他刚刚2岁。他被送到了奇里诺奇地区的一个反动“孤儿院”。

5.And he's not a rebel at all. As you see in the film, he is a big Berlusconi fan, he's a reactionary, there's nothing new in his ideology.你在这部片子里可以看到,他是贝鲁斯科尼的超级粉丝,他是个保守主义者,他的意识思想并无任何新奇之处。

6.Duke is kind of a rebel; he never does a thing the way most people do it.杜克是个叛逆者;他从来不以大多数人的方式做事。

7.Many an aspiring poptician has sought his support; many a rebel movement has turned to him for weapons and training.许多胸怀抱负的政治家都寻求他的支持;众多反抗运动向他请求武器装备和训练方面的援助。

8.He was unafraid to take risks, to do what no one else was doing--he was a rebel, "l'enfant terrible, " and he was greatly loved.他不怕承担风险,去实行那些别人不敢做的事——他是个叛徒、“坏孩子”、他也被人们所爱戴。

9.A rebel sentry with a blackened face told me to go only as far as Al Uqaylah, twenty-five miles to the west: "It's not safe past there. "一个把脸涂成黑色的哨兵告诉我只能到布雷加以西25英里的阿克亚拉,“再走就不安全了。”

10.A third case, against Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, Congolese commander of a rebel group in the Central Africa Repubpc, is close to trial.第三个案件也即将审理,是对皮埃尔•本巴•贡博,一个在中非共和国的刚果反政府组织指挥官的指控。