




1.国际太空站 Hubble Space Telescope 哈勃太空望远镜 International Space Station 国际空间站 ladder 扶梯 ...

3.名太空旅行者的国际太空站 ... 这种飞船完成了7名太空旅行者的国际太空站( International Space Station (ISS) Moon tourism 月球旅游 …

4.国际空间站项目的探索,并对火星的宜居情况作出评价;以及多国参与的国际空间站计划International Space Station),世界主要的航天机 …

6.组装国际太空站组装国际太空站 (International Space Station) 版权: STS-88 Mission, NASA 说明: 电池与太阳能板包含在这次的国际太空站 (…

7.国际宇宙站国际宇宙站International Space Station)宇航员日前拍下一段影片,捕捉了非洲大陆上空耀眼夺目的「闪电风暴」(pghtning …


1.It's been tested and retested, and now it's nearly ready to go on its maiden voyage to resupply the international space station.它已经经过测试和再次测试,而现在已经为它向国际空间站运送补给的首次航行基本做好准备。

2.Russia, the United States and other countries jointly operate the International Space Station, to which China does not belong.俄罗斯、美国与其他国家共同运营国际空间站,中国并不属于其中。

3.Tomorrow Atlantis will hook up the International Space Station to carry out a space construction project.明天,阿特兰提斯号将于国际空间站进行对接并执行一项空间建造工程。

4.The U. S. space shuttle Endeavour arrives at the International Space Station and is ready to dock with it on Sunday.美国宇航飞机奋进号周日到达国际空间站并以对接。

5.But the astronauts are still trying to figure out why the computer system on the Russian side of International Space Station crashed.然而宇航员们仍想弄明白国际空间站的俄方计算机系统为何会瘫痪。

6.Officials say they did not find anything serious. The shuttle is due to dock at the International Space Station tomorrow.官员说,他们没有发现任何严重。航天飞机明天在国际空间站对接。

7.Russia, the United States and other countries jointly operate the 400-tonne International Space Station, to which China does not belong.俄罗斯,美国及其他国家联合管理运作的国际空间站,重达400吨,中国被拒之门外。

8.Space officials said the Soyuz rocket had reached orbit safely and would dock with the International Space Station (ISS) in about two days.据指挥中心官员介绍,现在飞船已经平安达到轨道,并将在约莫两天后与国际空间站对接。

9.Much of the science done on the International Space Station involves difficult-to-understand concepts with long, hard-to-pronounce names.很多在国际空间站上完成的实验都涉及难于理解的超长概念,包含难以发音的名字。

10.The shuttle is pulled away from the International Space Station and is expected to touch down on Wednesday.该航空飞机驶离国际航空站,预计将于星期三着陆。