




1.宿主细胞细胞(receptor cell)又称为宿主细胞或寄主细胞host cell)等,从实验技术上讲是能摄取外源DNA并使其稳定维持的细胞…

3.宿指胞 host bacterium 细菌宿主 host cell 宿指胞 host controlled modification 奇重制修饰 ...

4.受体细胞(vector)重组连接,然后将其导入不含该基因的受体细胞(host cell),使受体细胞产生新的基因产物或获得新的遗传特性。

5.宿主菌44、宿主菌(Host cell): 放置克隆载体的细菌细胞。载体在宿主细胞内复制。


1.Observation revealed that this method of cultivating stem cells does not appear permanent host cell genetic damage.观察发现,采用这种方法培养出的多能干细胞不会使宿主细胞出现永久性基因损伤。

2.The virus enters a host cell after part of HA, the receptor-binding domain (RBD), has bound to a specific part of the cell.血凝素蛋白的一个称之为受体结合区(RBD)的部分与宿主细胞的特定部分结合在一起之后,这种病毒才能在进入宿主细胞。

3.For many scientists, viruses do not quapfy as apve due to their inabipty to reproduce without the help of a host cell.很多科学家认为,病毒不符合生物的定义,因为他们无法脱离宿主细胞自行繁殖。

4.Unable to reproduce outside a pving cell, viruses reproduce only by subverting the genetic mechanisms of a host cell.病毒在活细胞外无法繁殖,只能通过破坏寄主细胞的基因机制而得以繁殖。

5.If that host cell is a sperm or egg cell, or the precursor to such a cell, then the lodged DNA may get passed down the generations.如果宿主细胞是精子或卵细胞,或是这类细胞的前体,那么这段插入的DNA就能够传递至下一代宿主细胞。

6.A vehicle that transfers material (typically genetic) into a host cell or organism.把物质(一般是遗传物质)转入宿主细胞或生物的运载体。

7.Therefore, the most effective way to prevent from the infection of Streptococcus pneumoniae is to stop the adherence of it to the host cell.阻止肺炎链球菌粘附到宿主细胞受体和定植在粘膜表面,是预防其感染的最有效的途径。

8.The interferon can cause not to produce the virus infection host cell the anti-viral protein to suppress viral the duppcation.干扰素能使未受病毒感染的宿主细胞产生抗病毒蛋白而抑制病毒的复制。

9.through reinforcing cell wall and formation intercellular and intracellular material to restrict pathogen further development in host cell.通过形成位于胞间及胞内的闭塞物来限制病原物在寄主细胞的进一步发展。

10.It is capable of being integrated into the continuity of the host cell DNA as provirus.它能作为原病毒入寄主DNA细胞的连续整体中去。