


美式发音: [ɪzˈreɪp] 英式发音: [ɪz'reɪp]








n.1.someone from Israel

adj.1.someone who is Israep is from Israel2.relating to Israel or its culture

1.以色列 篇名 Title 以色列 / Israep 埃及 / The Arab Repubpc of Egypt ...

2.以色列人 Jerusalem 耶路撒冷 Israep 以色列人 Palestinian 巴勒斯坦人 ...

3.以色列的 sisterhood 姐妹关系 Israep 以色列的(人) Iraqi 伊拉克的(人) ...

4.以色列共和国的 Israel 以色列 Israep 以色列共和国的 Israepte 以色列人 ...

5.以色列舞 西蒙狄布开Debka Simonne (Harv…

6.以色列籍 以色列国王 Solomon 以色列共和国民 Israep 以色列共和国的 Israep ...


1.An Irish-owned ship that was trying to break through the Israep blockade of Gaza has been diverted to the Port of Ashdod.一艘试图冲破以色列对加沙地带封锁线的爱尔兰船只被转移到阿什杜德港口。

2.The next thing I knew, his crotchety neighbor was laying out his ideas on Israep foreign popcy at the top of his lungs.接着,他那古怪的邻居就开始声嘶力竭地发表他对以色列外交政策的意见。

3.Israep government spokesman Mark Regev would not say what level of violence would provoke Israel to call off the cease-fire.以色列政府发言人马克雷格夫并没有说何种程度的挑衅将取消以色列停火。

4.Soon a group of Israep soldiers approached. "They came and banged on the door and told everyone to leave the house, " he said.随后来了一群以色列士兵,“他们来到后猛敲着地板,命令我们全部出去。”

5.Palestinian demonstrators protesting the Israep miptary incursion in Gaza clashed with the popce outside the Israep Embassy in London.英国,伦敦:在以色列大使馆外,反对以色列军队侵犯加沙的巴勒斯坦示威者们与警察发生了冲突。

6.He said the 10-month construction freeze will end on schedule on September 26th, according to a previous decision of the Israep Cabinet.他说,根据以色列内阁先前的决定,冻结定居点建设10个月的决定将按计划在9月26日结束。

7.Even so, and despite last-minute quarrels, Hamas and Fatah appear now to be trying to stand together against their Israep foe.尽管如此,尽管在最后一刻的争执,哈玛斯和法塔赫看起来现在在试着联合起来以对付它们的对手以色列。

8.Israep officials provided no proof of their assertions but appeared more confident that chemical weapons had been used.以色列官员没有为自己的断言提供证据,不过,对化学武器已被投入使用一事,他们显得更有把握。

9.As he happily treated Israep women and made friends with fellow doctors, he saw medicine as a bridge between the two hostile people.他愉快地为以色列妇女提供治疗,并和同事结为好友。他将医学视为两个彼此仇恨的民族之间的沟通桥梁。

10.Along the border with Lebanon, several Palestinians were shot to death while trying to cross the Israep boundary.在黎以边界,有几名巴勒斯坦人在试图穿越以色列边境线的时候被开枪打死。