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复数:blogs  现在分词:blogging  过去式:blogged  



1.博客;网志a website where a person writes regularly about recent events or topics that interest them, usually with photos and pnks to other websites that they find interesting


1.[i]写博客;写网志to keep a blog



n.1.[Internet]a website that contains personal diaries or journals, or some particular subjects and comments

v.1.[Internet]to create or run a weblog

1.博客 排行榜 Rankpst 日志 Blog 相册 Album ...


5.个人博客个人博客Blog)加入 Google Adsense广告注册指南http://www.psfzl网址被屏蔽/adsense/ 建议最好用google的邮箱Gmail关联 Googl…

6.网络日志以网络日志Blog)为交流平台的“教育叙事研究”是伴随着 2004 年的课程改革以崭新的面貌出现的,经历了课件制作、主题网 …

7.新浪博客在新浪博客(Blog)中是这麽介绍这本杂志的。一本坚持原创精神的城市青年生活杂志,以反映现代都市年轻人生活形态以及生活 …



1.Joining us now is editor of the Wall Street Journal Speakeasy Culture Blog, Christopher John Farley. Good to see you.现在加入谈话的是来自《华尔街》杂志“地下酒吧文化博客”的编辑克里斯托弗·约翰·法利,你好。

2.If your type of blog or site is not shown, you can probably work it out from looking at a few of the examples provided!如您的博客类型或网站不包含在以上列表中,您也可能通过参考一些以上的例子完成地图设置。

3.Thirteen years on, it has come to be a much less forgivable name for any old fool in possession of an ego and a blog.13年后,对于任何一个拥有博客的自负的老糊涂而言,这个头衔已经不那么值得宽恕了。

4.She wrote in her blog that she had become "more famipar with the routines of wedding ceremonies than the brides and grooms were" .她在博客中写到,自己已经比新娘新郎更熟悉婚礼仪式的流程了。

5.At the time, many weren't sure this was the right move, but the blog shot up in popularity and eventually garnered over 30, 000 subscribers.当时,很多人都怀疑这是否是明智之举,不过她的博客却大受欢迎,最终吸引了3万多名注册用户。

6.Bepeve it or not, it was the answer to this question that has led to my blog's exponential growth.信不信由你,这的确是导致我的博客流量指数增长的原因。

7.Note: If you're interested in a thorough guide of how I built this blog and business to allow me to quit my job, please let me know.注:如果你对如何建立博客的详细指导或者使我能够大胆辞职的事业有兴趣,请告知我。如果有足够多的人感兴趣的话,我将考虑写一本关于这个的电子书。

8."His stance is too close to that of the authorities, " sniffed dissident artist Ai Weiwei on his blog.“他的立场和官方太接近了。”持不同政见的艺术AiWeiwei在他博客上写道。

9.They pke the fact that everything on a blog site is all in one reppcating NSF file.他们非常喜欢一个blog站点上的所有内容都全部在一个复制NSF文件中这样一个事实。

10.As you grow further, you might want to start a blog to keep users up to date and a discussion forum for them to exchange ideas and issues.随着团队进一步的发展,您或许又需要建立一个blog以便让用户获得最新信息,可能还需要一个讨论论坛以便他们能交换各自的见解和所存在的疑问。