




1.听起来不错 ... The smell smells so smelly! 这气味闻起来很臭. It sounds good!( 听起来不错!) That tastes depcious!( 很好吃!) ...

2.这听起来不错 10.这菜尝起来挺香的。 The dish tastes depcious. 11.这听起来不错It sounds good. 1. 他仍然缄默。 He remained silent. ...

3.听上去不错 ... You are pke your father. 你长得像你爸爸 it sounds good. 听上去不错 I enjoy sitting in the sun. 我喜欢晒太阳 ...

4.它听起来很好 ... -- No.It's May 24th.( 不,今天是5月24日。) It sounds good. 它听起来很好。 It tastes depcious. 它尝起来很好吃 …

5.听起来不错哦 ... Ella:It sounds good. 听起来不错哦。 Lily:Yeah,it is worth watching. 很值得一看。 ...

6.它听起来不错 It tastes good. 它吃起来很香。 It sounds good. 它听起来不错。 Eg:It feels pke an eraser. 它摸上去像是一块橡皮。 ...


1.You get down to brass tacks when you say, " it sounds good, but how much does it cost? "你探究到底的时候会说,“听起来不错,但它到底值多少钱?”

2.You probably have a couple of things going on here, but I would say none of it sounds good to me.你可能有一两件事情会在这里,但我要说的是没有一个声音对我好。

3.Hey it helped him in kicking the smoking habit, (which is not easy so I'm told) so it sounds good to me.嗨,告诉你吧,它帮助某个人戒除了烟瘾(有人告诉我,做到这点并不容易)。对我来说,这听起来真是个好消息。

4.Well, you got to admit it sounds good anyway. -Attention! Attention! Pilots, man your planes! Pilots, man your planes!好,你必须承认,这声音听起来还不错警戒警戒!飞行员,登机!飞行员,登机!

5.It sounds good. But I'm not sure. ? Maybe I should go with you.听起来不错。但是我不太确定。也许我应该和你一起去。

6.It sounds good in theory, especially because banks have plenty of IT fat.这在理论上听起来不错——特别是因为银行拥有大量IT资源。

7.It sounds good, but you will miss a coming party. I'd pke to invite you to drink this weekend. My treat.听起来不错,但你会失去一个聚会。周末我邀请你去酒吧喝酒,我请客。

8.And abbreviated it to meme, just because it sounds good and made a good meme, an effective spreading meme.然后将它简化为meme,因为听起来好听然后再做个好meme,一个能有效传播的meme。

9.And if it sounds good, ask if there's any way I can see their results.如果情况听起来不错,我再问问方不方便知道他们的情况。

10.It sounds good, and it gives us a lot of information in a short amount of time, but it's not the way people speak.电影和电视台词往往听起来不错,它能够在短时间内提供很多信息,但这并不是人们平时说话和思考的方式。