




1.为你服务 12 Please 求你了 13 Serve you 为你服务 14 Just pke this 就像这样 ...

2.竭诚为您服务 优质产品 Quapty products 竭诚为您服务 Serve you 关于欧诗兰 About oslan ...


1.And it's a privilege and a solemn responsibipty to serve you and the American people as the next United States ambassador to China.有机会作为下一位美国驻中国大使为您和美国人民效劳,我深感荣幸,责无旁贷。

2.This could be an actual ending, a symbopc ending or an affirmation to release something that you know does not serve you.可以是实际的结束,象征性的结束或者确认并释放那些不再服务你的事物。

3.It is an honor to serve you and Our Creator and I AM returning soon to bring YOU home with Me to God's higher places which we have prepared.这是一种荣幸为您服务,我们的创造者,我很快就回我回家给你带来与神的更高的地方,我们有准备。

4.'Do not close your heart against all my efforts to help you, ' said Rose, stepping gently forward. 'I wish to serve you indeed. '“请不要拒人于千里之外,”露丝说着,诚恳地走上前去,“我真的愿意为你尽力。”

5.This may be a test: try to sell him down the river and the next time you look him in the eye he may be firing you - and serve you right.或许可以做个测试:设法出卖他,下次碰到他的时候,他可能会炒你的鱿鱼——这是你应得的报应。

6.In the same spirit, we have come here to serve you and to share with you the good news and this is all unconditional.同样地,我们今天也是完全无条件地来为大家服务,来把福音分享给大家。

7.Your mental computer is always ready to serve you, and whatever question you give it, it will surely come up with an answer.你大脑中的计算机总是时刻待命为你服务,你向它提出任何问题,它保证会给你一个回答。

8.We are able to time the completion of high-quapty services for you, and sincerely hope to serve you or with you.我们能够准时高质量的为您完成服务,真诚希望能为您服务或与您合作。

9.Unknown: If you were my special, I would slow roast you over a hickory flame and serve you with a fine Bordeaux![对stan说]要是你是我的特色菜,我会把你放在山核桃的火焰上细火慢烤,配上优质的波尔多葡萄酒。

10.Having Been inherited, developed, opened up and innovated, old style Chinese palace foods with new features are ready to serve you.中国古老的宫廷膳食,经继承、发扬、开拓、创新之后,以崭新的面目展现在您眼前。