




1.胡佛 Puss in Boots 靴子猫 J Edgar 胡佛传 Immortals 众神 ...

3.艾德格 ... 1920华沙之战 Battle 强 艾德格 J Edgar 醉后型男日记 The Rum ...


1.Prof. WIENER: You know, I've always been fascinated by that sentence. This is in J. Edgar Hoover's letter to H. R. Haldeman.维纳:你知道吗,我一直着迷于那句话,乐死我了。

2.J? Edgar Hoover: Your task is to seize John Dilpnger, who would be capable of it, Purvis officers?胡佛:“你的任务是抓住约翰,能够胜任吗,约翰探员?”

3."It looks pke a miniature of the J. Edgar Hoover Building. "“它看上去很象一座微型的诶德加胡佛大楼。”

4.Prof. WIENER: Well, there's one where they - J. Edgar Hoover sends out instructions to locate Lennon as quickly as possible.维纳:好的,我这有一个例子,他们——埃德加·胡佛发出指示,要求尽快找到列侬。

5.The FBI agent that I interviewed said J. Edgar Hoover was completely obsessed.我采访过的联邦调查局特工说,J·埃德加·胡弗完全被片子迷上了。

6.But ask most people about J. Edgar Hoover, and the subject turns to sex.不过一问到J•埃德加•胡佛,大多数人谈话的主题就转到性的上面。

7.It wasthe J. Edgar Hoover Building, headquarters of the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation, the FBI.这是西北宾夕法尼亚大道935号埃德加·胡佛大厦,是联邦调查局的总部。

8.Kenneth D. Ackerman, a D. C. -based lawyer at OFW Law, is the author of "Young J. Edgar: Hoover and the Red Scare, 1919-1920. "肯尼斯•D•阿克曼(KennethD.Ackerman),哥伦比亚特区OFW律师事务所律师,著有《年轻的J•埃德加:胡佛和1919-1920年的红色恐怖》。

9.The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover执导的电影《胡佛私人档案》