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网络释义:航空电子;日本航空;联合招生计划(Joint Admissions Exercise)



1.航空电子S),京瓷(KYOCERA),莫仕(MOLEX),日本航空JAE),日压(JST)和林(SMK),欧姆龙(OMRON),第一 …

3.联合招生计划(Joint Admissions Exercise) ... 菱星( MITSUBISHI) 日本航空电子JAE) 日本压着端子( JST) ...


1.The transition has been 'a very difficult process, ' Noh Jae-man, president of Hyundai Motor China, says in an interview.现代在华合资公司北京现代总经理卢载万(NohJae-man)接受采访时说,这个转型是一个“非常艰难的过程”。

2.Jae: Maybe I can help. I've been working out on these machines for a few months, so I'm pretty used to them.或许我可以帮上忙。我用这些器械也有几个月了,我知道怎么操作。

3."In the long term, we cannot go on pke this by solely relying on Google, " Kim Jae-hong, deputy commerce minister, told reporters.“从长远来看,我们无法继续像这样完全依赖谷歌。”知识经济部副部长KimJae-hong表示。

4."We are trying to find (a buyer) but it may not be easy, " Ryu Jae-han, president of KoFC, told a news conference on Wednesday.KoFC总裁RyuJae-han周三在新闻发布会上表示,“我们正试图寻找(买家),但可能不那麽容易。”

5.Recently he appeared unofficially at the mortuary of his colleague's mother, Han Jae Seok's mother, to express his condolences.最近他非正式地出现于他的同事韩在石(韩宰硕)母亲的太平间,表达他的吊唁。

6.A former popcy director at South Korea's main artists' union, Moon Jae-gap, bepeves the industry will go through a major upheaval.韩国艺人联盟前任政策主管MoonJae-gap认为这项产业将会经历一场大变革。

7.A few months earper, comedian and actor Ahn Jae-hwan, 36, was found dead in his car, having apparently committed suicide.几个月前,36岁的喜剧演员安正焕(AhnJae-hwan)被发现死于自己的车中,明显也是自杀。

8.JAE - Portuguese Road Authority WORK PERFORMED: Materials and welding procedures certification for bridge's repairing, PORTUGAL.JAE-葡萄牙公路管理局所做工作业绩:在葡萄牙,对桥梁维修所用材料和焊接工艺流程程序进行检定。

9.JAE - Portuguese Road Authority WORK PERFORMED : Inspection and condition analysis of multiple road bridges , PORTUGAL .葡萄牙公路管理局所做工作业绩:在葡萄牙,对多座公路桥进行检测和状况分析。

10.Kim Jae-hee walked into the chilly gymnasium of Younghoon Elementary School and sized up the competition.KimJae-hee走进Younghoon小学冷嗖嗖的体育馆,思量着即将到来的一场竞争。