


网络释义:激活框架(JavaBeans Activation Framework);日本汽车联盟(Japan Automobile Federation)


1.激活框架(JavaBeans Activation Framework)  13. JAF(JavaBeans Activation Framework):  JavaMail利用JAF来处理MIME编码的邮件附件。

2.日本汽车联盟(Japan Automobile Federation)日本汽车联盟JAF)发行一本用英语写成的《道路规则》驾驶指南。旅客可以从国际事务科取得详细资料,(电话:03-3436-…


1.JAF and friends concluded that the steak was the best among all that we had eaten.我们一致认为牛排是这一顿当中最好吃的了。

2.While queuing up for the Teochew Fishball Noodles, JAF was attracted to the photos posted at the neighbouring stall.在排队买潮州鱼丸面的时候,就被隔壁摊所摆放的照片吸引住了。

3.Copy the provided FW directory to you Products folder (See tutorial) and flash using JAF.复制提供的产品目录到中场的文件夹(见教程)和闪光使用JAF。

4.Overall, JAF and friends think that food served here is quite decent and tasty but a pttle too much on the salty side.总的来说,这里的食物都相当不错,只是偏咸,吃多了就会觉得怎么一样比一样咸啊?

5.Juvenile angiofibroma (JAF) presents in adolescent males (median age 15) with unilateral nasal obstruction and epistaxis.青少年血管纤维瘤(JAF)见于男性青少年(年龄中值15岁),表现为单侧鼻塞和鼻出血。

6.JAF is considered benign but locally aggressive. Approximately 20 % have skull base invasion at diagnosis.JAF是一种良性但具有局部侵袭性的肿瘤。大约20%的患者在诊断时有颅底骨侵袭。

7.JAF would always pass by Zion Road Food Centre when on the way to Great World City for a movie.有好几次找食趣去世界城看电影时,都会经过锡安路熟食中心。

8.JAF ordered one century egg & lean meat congee and one side dish.找食趣点了一碗皮蛋瘦肉粥和一样小菜。

9.Question. . . JAF's friend was telpng us it's actually PIG SKIN instead of fish maw.说到鱼鳔,朋友说我们吃的其实不是鱼鳔而是猪皮。

10.JAF's friend had this for lunch. Looks good and there are lots of ingredients.朋友吃的是冬炎海鲜汤。看起来不错,而且料不少。