


网络释义:角;饶;Joint ALMA Observatory


1.角 塞浦路斯镑 CyprusPound 1CNY=10 jao) 澳大利亚元 Austrapan Dollar ...

2.饶 1.2.131 苏 Su 1.2.132 Jao 1.2.133 龚 Kung ...

3.Joint ALMA Observatory ... Jang 让 Jao 饶绕 Jen 仁任 ...

5.牛肉拌绿豆 ... Nuah 牛肉 jao 牛肉拌绿豆 Tuna 金枪鱼 ...

6.小指 imago( 飘落) / 台湾 jao( 小指) / 香港 blueiceocean( 蓝‧恬。) / 台湾 ...


1.These were the things that Qing-jao was giving to her mother to carry with her into heaven.这些就是清照预备给她母亲带去天上的东西。

2.James Jao is a certified Foreign Expert by the State Council on planning and economic development. All views expressed herein are of his.饶及人为中国国务院城乡规划及经济发展注册外国专家,以上均为其个人观点。

3.Jao was among the first wave of American architects to recognize the extraordinary opportunities presented by China's efforts to modernize.饶先生是第一批意识到中国的现代化进程可以带来巨大商机的美国建筑师之一。

4.Mr. Jao is the only "Certified Foreign Expert" in Architecture, Planning and Development for the State Council of China.而饶及人先生是唯一一位拥有中国国务院授权“外国专家认证”的建筑和规划专家。

5."I counted twenty-three white carp in the garden stream, " said Qing-jao.“我在园子的小溪里数到二十三条白色鲤鱼。”清照说。

6.That may mean rustic western regions will leapfrog prosperous eastern development, Jao says.这可能意味着,西部农村地区的开发将超过东部富裕地区。

7.For those who cannot attend Mr. Jao is writing a book for non-Chinese readers.同时,饶先生正在撰写一本面向英文读者的书供那些不能参加该活动的人们参考。

8.Jao suggests adding stops on every bus route and taking out walls.饶先生建议在公交线路多加站点,拆除障碍墙。

9.James Jao was born in Taiwan after his father relocated from the port city of Wenzhou, Zhejang Province in 1949.1949年,饶先生的父亲从浙江省港口城市温州来到台湾,饶先生在台湾出生。

10.These days, I am indeed very happy whenever I hear someone say that "James Jao has pttle friends in China but a lot of buddies. "现在,当我听到别人说“饶及人在中国朋友不多,但哥们很多”的时候,我真的很高兴。