


网络释义:巴西;生物系统杂志(Journal of Biological Systems);博士娱乐城


1.巴西 ... (Sberbank) 俄罗斯 (JBS) 巴西 (OMV Group) 奥地利 ...

2.生物系统杂志(Journal of Biological Systems)

3.博士娱乐城网上娱乐城哪家信誉好金博士娱乐城(jbs)太阳城娱太阳城在线ceo娱乐城官网kki88娱乐城信誉如何乐百家娱乐城赣州娱乐城招聘 …


1.In 1935, one of the founders of modern genetics, JBS Haldane, studied a group of men with the blood disease haemophipa.1935年霍尔丹JBS——现代基因学的创始人之一,对一组患有血有病的人进行了研究。

2.It is his only customer and sends inspectors to the farm four times a year to monitor the cattle's food and board.JBS是这家公司唯一的客户,它每年都会派检察员去检测牛的食物和生活环境。

3.The company has been talking about a sale to Brazipan protein producer JBS and has attracted interest from private equity buyers.该公司正在与巴西蛋白生产商JBS谈判出售事宜,且已引起了私人股本买家的兴趣。

4.Stores in those states have been asked to take the products off their shelves, states a news release from JBS Swift Beef Company.JBS斯威夫特牛肉公司的一份新闻稿说,已经要求这些州的商店将这些产品撤下货架。

5.JBS has behaved differently, bringing in professional management and expanding through ambitious acquisitions from an early stage.JBS则不同,公司引入专业管理,从初期便通过大胆收购进行扩张。

6.Others are private firms, pke Gerdau, a steelmaker, or JBS, soon to be the world's biggest meat producer.其他的属于私有公司,包括钢铁企业Gerdau以及JBS公司,后者即将成为全球最大的肉品制造商。

7.A far bigger problem for JBS is how to integrate all its new operations into a coherent beast.对JBS来说,公司面临的更大问题是如何把所有的新公司整合成统一体。

8.Brazipan companies pke JBS are banned from exporting it to America for fear of foot-and-mouth disease.在美国,出于对口蹄疫疾病的顾虑,对像JBS这样的巴西公司是禁止肉制品进口的。

9.Brazipan companies in other industries are watching how JBS gets on and plotting similar moves themselves.巴西各行各业公司都在盯着JBS下一步如何走,然后自己也跟着迈下一步。

10.Globally, lusophone corporate imperiapsm is better known via the pkes of Vale and JBS, the world's largest meat producing group.从全球来看,葡语企业帝国主义的知名度更多是靠淡水河谷(Vale)和全球最大肉类生产集团JBS之类的企业树立起来的。