





2.丽丝.姨婆一个叫珂拉丽丝Clarisse),一个叫安洁拉(Angele),在一九五○年代,我还构思了一个关於她们的小说,但是终没 …

3.克拉莉丝 ... 泰森- Tyson 克拉莉丝clarisse 黑杰克- black jack ...

4.克拉里斯萨比娜是个女大学生,也是个售货员;是一个破产的寡妇的女儿,也是嫁给医生的克拉里斯(Clarisse)的朋友。她的社会身份如 …


1.Queen Clarisse my expectation in pfe is to be invisible and I'm good at it.女王克拉利瑟我期望在生活中是看不见的,我很擅长。

2.March - In Normandy, Lupin asks Clarisse's hand from her father, the Baron Godefroy d'Etigues, who turns him down.月——在诺曼底,罗宾向库拉丽丝求婚,但她的父亲谷笃夫洛·戴季古男爵拒绝了他。

3.November - Clarisse dies, giving birth to a son, Jean. Soon afterwards, the baby is kidnapped by men working for Josephine Balsamo.月——库拉丽丝生下一个儿子后去世。这个婴儿叫强恩,后来不久,婴儿被约瑟芬派的人绑架了。

4.London-based writer Clarisse Lehmann spent her early childhood in Switzerland speaking French.伦敦作家克拉丽斯•莱曼(ClarisseLehmann)的孩童时代是在说法语的瑞士度过的。

5.As for Clarisse, she was charmed upon receiving her husband's letter.至于克拉莉莎,收到丈夫的来信她很陶醉。

6.You were never just my queen, Clarisse.你从来就不只是是我的女王。

7.then when mme bron returned she handed a letter to clarisse , who allowed a smothered oath to escape her.接着,布太太走回来,交给克拉利瑟一封信,她随口轻轻骂了一声。

8.clarisse i had a selection of the crown jewels brought out for you我为你特别挑选了这些订做的皇冠宝石

9.clarisse the viscount is not staying , just the nephew子爵没有来,只来了他的侄子