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英文单词:建材行业标准;刘羽琦(Jessica C);捷希



abbr.1.junior college2.jurisconsult3.Justice Clerk

1.建材行业标准 农业行业标准(NY) 建筑工业行业标准(JG) 建材行业标准(JC) 包装行业标准(BB) 产品质量监督抽查实施规范(CCGF) 城镇建设 …

2.刘羽琦(Jessica C)季更进行美腿女星选举,成功重金邀得第一位的人气名模Jessica C(JC)出任其春夏季的广告女主角,并于早前拍下最新的宣 …

3.捷希 B247 ST&SAT 星期六 B248 JC 捷希 B249 PRECIS 安玛莉 ...

4.国家建材局标准 LD 劳动人事部标准 JC 国家建材局标准 JJC 国家计量局标准 ...

5.杰西 Jayzon 男 杰赠 Jc杰西 Javu 男 贾武 ...


1.JC: For me, I used to say Stevie was the best player who's played for the club, but I can't say that now because Kenny is the manager!卡拉格:对我来说,我习惯说史蒂文是为这家俱乐部效力过的最好的球员,但我现在不能这样说了,因为肯尼是主教练!

2.JC: Most of the time, critics are invited to see films at press screenings held by the studios.在大多数的时候,电影制作方(或发行商)会邀请这些影评人观看“电影专场新闻发布会”。

3.The reliability problems of common engineering structures can be solved with improved JC methods by the work of the paper.研究表明:在一般工程结构的可靠度计算问题都能采用不同的JC法改进方法来解决。

4.JC and I have worked on quite a few songs together for my solo record and the Backstreet Boys record.jc和我一起为我的单飞专辑还有后街男孩的专辑做了很多歌。

5.JC: John Terry has been a great captain and he will be a great captain.卡副:特里特里已经是一个伟大的队长,他也将成为一名伟大的队长。

6.Solon So, chief executive of Chan' s company JC Group and his main spokesman, said Sunday the actor did not have further comment.梭伦,成龙的公司JC集团的总裁和主要发言人,说成龙不会对此发表进一步意见。

7.JC: He always kept himself to himself, even when he was banging the goals in.卡副:他总是自言自语,甚至当他进球的时候也是。

8.And China Investment Corporation was among the casualties when JC Flowers' investment in Germany went bad.而当JCFlowers在德国的投资失败时,中投公司(CIC)也是受害者之一。

9.Tommy Williams came to Shawshank in 1965 on a two year stretch for B&E. Cops caught him sneak in' TV sets out the back door of a JC Penney.汤米。威廉姆斯于1965年由于’破门入室’被判两年刑期而来到肖申克监狱。警察在一家JC。攀尼便利店的后门抓住了正在偷电视的他。

10.Jean Genet wrote poems to a "thief-boxer" and a "muscled rose" .JC曾用诗歌向“小偷拳手”和“铿锵玫瑰”致敬。