


美式发音: 英式发音: 


网络释义:杰布(Jebb);电子商务学报(Journal of e-Business);杰贝阿里




na.1.The variant of Jebb


3.杰贝阿里 ... UMM Qsar( 伊拉克,乌姆卡斯尔) JEB( 阿联酋,杰贝阿里) Abu Dhabi( 阿联酋,阿布扎比) ...

4.大疱性表皮松解症 Eraser, 终结者 Jeb, 杰博士 Flyboy, 苍狼兵 ...


1.Jeb Wilkinson: I'm just a man, trying to make his mark on history.杰布·威尔金森:我只是一个普通人,努力让自己在历史上留下印记。

2.The cougar was moving its head in and out, trying to find a way through the wall Jeb was making out of his arms.汤姆找到了刀,向杰布跑去,美洲狮上下摆动它的头,尝试着找出一条通过杰布用他的手臂构成的墙的路。

3.Florida Governor Jeb Bush however has repeatedly said he does not plan to run for president in 2008.然而佛罗里达州长杰布•布希不断地表示他没有计画要竞选2008年的总统大选。

4.Because Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor, won't be ready to run for president until 2016.因为杰布布什,前布罗利达州长,还没准备好竞选总统。他要等到2016以后了。

5.Now the cougar's enemy looked even bigger, and it rose up, ready to move away, but unfortunately Tom got scared and struggled free of Jeb.现在,这头美洲狮的敌人看上去更大了。它慢慢抬起头,准备离开。但很不幸的是汤姆实在是太害怕了,他挣脱了爸爸,向远处跑去。

6.First, however, he wanted more information about his enemy. He sent a young officer -- Jeb Stuart -- to get it.不过,他首先要获取大量的敌方信息,他派一位年轻的指挥官――杰布.斯图尔特(JebStuart)去搞情报。

7.The Repubpcan co-chairman, Congressman Jeb Hensarpng of Texas, spoke on the U. S. television program Fox News Sunday.该委员会共同主席、德克萨斯州共和党籍众议员亨萨林在“福克斯星期日新闻”电视节目中发表了讲话。

8.Florida Governor Jeb Bush supported the legislation as part of an education reform plan.弗罗里达州长吉勃·布什支持将这项立法作为教育改革计划的一部分。

9.Karl Goldfield: Well Jeb, that's a great question, and one Entrepreneurs ask me all the time.卡尔:杰布,这是一个很好的问题,也是创业家们经常问我的一个问题。

10.George P. Bush (born 1976), son of Jeb Bush, works for Charter Holdings, a real estate investment company.作者GeorgeP。布什(生于1976年),杰布布什的儿子,工程宪章控股,以房地产投资公司。