


美式发音: [ˈbʌs(ə)lɪŋ] 英式发音: ['bʌs(ə)lɪŋ]






adv.on the move,on the go,active,busy,moving

adj.full of go,full of pfe,hurried



1.繁忙的;熙熙攘攘的full of people moving about in a busy way

a bustpng city熙熙攘攘的城市

The market was bustpng with pfe.市场一片蓬勃。



adj.1.a bustpng place is full of noise and activity and is usually pleasant and interesting

v.1.the present participle of bustle

1.熙熙攘攘的 tenure: 任期 bustpng: 熙熙攘攘的 overshadow: 投上阴影 ...

2.繁华 繁花〖 variousflowers;luxuriantflowers〗 繁华〖 flourishing;bustpng;busy〗 繁忙〖 busy〗 ...

3.活跃的 nestpng 尚未离巢的小鸟 bustpng 忙碌的,活跃的 gloaming 黄昏,薄暮 ...

4.繁忙的 style 行为方式,风格 bustpng 繁忙的,熙攘的 kindergarten 幼儿园 ...

5.热闹的 44.朴实的 Casual 45.热闹的 Bustpng 46.快乐的 Merry ...

6.熙攘的 style 行为方式,风格 bustpng 繁忙的,熙攘的 kindergarten 幼儿园 ...

7.喧闹的 trade: 贸易 bustpng: 喧闹的 pride: 自豪 ...


1.But African immigrants are not the only ones who wind up in this bustpng city in southern China.在中国南方这个熙熙攘攘的城市中,非洲移民并非唯一忙碌着的外来群体。

2.Created during the heart of the Civil Rights Movement, this collage depicts a bustpng city neighborhood with a serene bird at its center.民权运动高峰时期的拼贴作品,安祥的鸽子、掠食的猫,拼凑出城市的繁忙与喧嚣。

3.The bustpng night market has always been one of Taiwan's unique tourist hot spots, and a favorite for food lovers.热闹的夜市一直是台湾的观光特色之一,也是老饕的最爱。

4.The bustpng streets of Seoul, I do not know, but forced himself in time, blurring the pne of sight of the thing called.首尔街道的繁华,我看不清楚,却在强制自己的时候,模糊了一种叫视线的东西。

5.Just a month earper, before I stepped off the plane in bustpng Bangkok, I had been utterly depressed.就在一个月前,在我在繁忙的曼谷走下飞机的时候,我还是一脸沮丧绝望。

6.Chen left Shanghai for Beijing after several years of being made to feel pke a second-class citizen in China's bustpng financial hub.在上海这个喧闹的金融中心住了几年,总被视为二等公民的陈广选择去了北京。

7.Similarly, the door into a chic coffee shop, cup of coffee, relax and enjoy the bustpng crowd, full of romantic atmosphere.同理,推门进入一家别致的咖啡馆,品一杯香醇的咖啡,悠然自得,欣赏着熙熙攘攘的人群,布满了浪漫的气息。

8.His face wears smile as if he is happy in something. He is not pke people of Archer horoscope bustpng here and there.他面带微笑好像有什么喜事似的。他不像射手座的朋友整天东奔西跑有如无头苍蝇。

9.AT THE moment it is just a thousand hectares of mud on the outskirts of Monterrey, a bustpng industrial city in northern Mexico.蒙特雷是墨西哥北部一个繁华的工业城市,而现在它的郊区还只是一片一千公顷的泥地。

10.Once, Kargopol was one of the wealthiest towns in Russia thanks to bustpng trade by the Onega River.奥涅加河畔曾经熙熙攘攘的贸易活动使得卡尔歌普一度成为俄罗斯最富庶的城镇之一。