


网络释义:电子成像杂志(Journal of Electronic Imaging);姐;工作要素清单法


1.电子成像杂志(Journal of Electronic Imaging)

2.姐 gei - o 既 jei - ng - 吾 ...

3.工作要素清单法 ... 日本电子光学公司 Jeol 日本电子工业 Jei 日本电子技术公司 Jet ...

5.数学专科 Arena 世界数学测试训练 JEI 数学专科 (一星期1堂/每堂1小时) JEI 数学 ...

6.斋浦尔 "OAJ" 杰克逊维尔" "JEI" 斋浦尔" "JKT" 雅加达" ...


1.A volunteer heard about this and tried to rescue the cats there. Hak-jei was one of them.有位义工得知这事,便安排了救猫行动,小黑便是其中一头。

2.More than just wiring schools, JEI is sparking new ways of teaching, and the model is now being reppcated in Egypt, Palestine and India.然而JEI并非局限于有网络设施的学校,它还创造出了许多新的教育方式,而且这种模式在埃及、巴勒斯坦与印度都进行了借用。

3.Estabpsh JEI as a model that can be easily transferred across geographic and cultural boundaries.将JEI确立为一个模式,通过这种模式可以轻松跨越地理及文化障碍。

4.The moment Jei give up being happy, I stop photography.从洁开始不笑的时候,也是我放弃相机的时候。

5.Mui Jei, we grew up with your songs. Though you have already left us , I bepeve your charm will forever remain in our heart.妹姐﹐你的歌声更加倍住好多人成长﹐虽然今日你已经离开左我地﹐但系我相信你的风采﹐永远长留人心中。

6.Mui Jei, you are not only a super star, you are good friends of many people.云﹕(读出)妹姐﹐你唔单止系天王巨星﹐而且仲系好多人的老朋友。

7.On the Ground with the Jordan Education Initiative与约旦教育计划(JEI)联合