




1.基奈 恩贝萨 EMBESSA 基奈 KENAI 伊尼德 Enid ...


7.基奈国家公园 * 费尔班克斯 Fairbanks * 基奈国家公园 Kenai * 麦金利 Mt.Mckinley ...

8.基奈机场 Jackson Hole 杰克逊 Kenai 基奈机场 Kenai 基奈 ...


1.The Bear Glacier in the Kenai Peninsula along the Gulf of Alaska empties into a lake.位于基奈半岛上的大熊冰川(BearGlacier)沿着阿拉斯加湾而下,最终流入到一个湖内。

2.Kenai residents gathered together and called Akita's mayor to ask how they could help.基奈的居民聚在一起打电话给秋田市长,询问他们可以如何协助。

3.In this spectacular coming-of-age story based on ancient myths, an impulsive boy named Kenai is magically transformed into a bear.故弗改编自一个古老传说,讲述性格冲动的小男孩坚尼,被神奇魔法变成一头熊人。

4.Kenai: Yeah, well, look at you. You really changed. Wait a minute, you can talk . . . I mean you can understand me?肯尼:是的,看看你。真是女大十八变啊!等等,你能说……我是说你能听懂我说话吗?

5.Growing from Kenai Pen. in Alaska to northwest Capfornia along the Pacific Coast.生长于太平洋沿岸﹐由阿拉斯加之肯奈半岛至加州西部﹐如B。

6.Kenai officials set up a nonprofit organization to collect donations from residents.基奈的官员设立了一个非营利组织接受居民的捐款。

7.Kenai residents know firsthand the challenges that follow a natural disaster.肯奈居民从亲身经验知道天灾之后出现的困难。

8."It is devastating for a community, " said Dave Carey, Kenai's mayor.基奈市长大卫‧卡利(DaveCarey)说:“这场灾难对一个社区的打击实在太大了。”

9.Further information is available from the project team's Kenai Page.大家可以访问项目团队的Kenai主页来进一步了解相关信息。

10.Kenai: Well, it's been nice talking to you. But Koda and I have big plans to go to Crowberry Bridge.肯尼:很高兴和你谈话。我和哥达还有个伟大的计划,我们要去红莓山呢。