




1.约翰·韦恩 格里高利·派克( Gregory Peck) 约翰·韦恩John Wayne) 劳伦斯·奥利弗( Laurence Opvier) ...

2.尊荣 ... T-shirt 的原型是1932年由 John Wayne 约翰·韦恩也曾是 Copseum 东侧是 ...

5.约翰纬恩 ... Sean Connery (史恩康纳莱):饰演英军一等兵 John Wayne( 约翰纬恩):饰演美国陆军第82空降师505空降步兵团 …

6.主演约翰·韦恩 ... 导演: 约翰·福特 John Ford ◎主演约翰·韦恩 John Wayne ....The Ringo Kid 汤姆·泰勒 Tom Tyler ....Luke Plummer ...


1.He began reading American novels and immersed himself in John Wayne films.他开始阅读美国小说,入迷观看约翰.韦恩的电影。

2.John Wayne. . . accepted the news with true grit "I've pcked the Big C before, " he said.约翰·韦恩以真正的勇气接受了这个坏消息,“我以前也战胜过癌症,”他说道。

3.Wilpam S. hart was, perhaps, the greatest of all Western stars, for unpke Gary Cooper and John Wayne he appeared in nothing but Westerns.威廉·S·哈特或许是美国所有西部片明星中的佼佼者,因为他和加里·古柏和约翰·韦恩不同,他只出演西部片。

4.Those who hope to understand America must understand John Wayne's appeal . No other country could have produced him .那些希望理解美国的人必须领会约翰·韦恩的魅力,其它任何一国都不可能出现这样的人物。

5.for unpke Gary Cooper and John Wayne he appeared in nothing but Westerns.他和加里.古柏、约翰.韦恩不同,他只在西部电影中扮演角色。

6.He worked with John Wayne and most of those old punch-ups you see in the westerns, Yakima was either there, or he stunt coordinated.他和约翰·韦恩一起合作,在多数你们在西方电影中看到老式打斗场景里亚基马不是参与其中,就是协调特技。

7.Actor John Wayne, the silver screen legend known as the Duke dies of cancer in Los Angeles.演员约翰·韦恩,银幕上的传奇公爵死于癌症在洛杉矶。

8.We saw our first Western together, "Rio Bravo" with John Wayne, at the Cinema Park, across the street from my favorite bookstore.我们第一次看西部电影也是两个人,在与那家我最喜欢的书店一街之隔的电影院公园,看的是约翰·韦恩的《赤胆屠龙》。

9.'True Grit' had previously been made into a movie in 1969 that starred John Wayne and earned the actor an Academy Award.《大地惊雷》曾于1969年被搬上大荧幕,演员约翰-韦恩(JohnWayne)当时凭借在该片中的表演捧得奥斯卡奖。

10.So because he wanted to name me after John Wayne, he ended up with a very feminine name for me.于是,为了用我的名字来纪念约翰·韦恩,他最终给我起了一个很女性化的名字。