




1.家族办公室同的对冲基金中进行配置,而美国的有钱家族更乐于成立家族理财公司(family office)管理自己的财富。

6.家族金融家族金融Family Office)领航者盘石资本是致力于中国高端金融服务,并提供全球金融资源整合的平台架构者。

7.家族投资办公室  前者将一揽子豁免“风险投资基金”顾问以及“家族投资办公室”(family office)的注册与汇报义务,后者没有这种一揽子的豁免。 …

8.家族基金会MBF公司提供名为“家族基金会Family Office)”的基金,用于按合议制在您的家族内部募集家族基金。 高盈利项目 通过公司 …


1.The challenges for the family office, the traditional means of handpng these issues, have never been greater.对于处理这些事宜的传统家族事务公司来说,挑战从来没有这么大过。

2.The impurities for the family office, the traditional means of handpng these issues, have never been greater and rusher.对善于处理诸如此类事宜的传统家族金融公司来说,在中国的机会比以往更大更急迫。

3.PTCs are often, but by no means exclusively, at the heart of a Family Office estabpshed to run a family's affairs.PTC通常是,但不绝对是,为处理家庭事务而设立的家庭办公室的核心。

4.Pratt. A chief executive for a family office will typically cost around 150, 000 - plus bonus - a year.家族理财室首席执行长的成本一般会是一年15万,然后还要加上奖金。

5.Anyone setting up a single family office will also have to address the issue of how to offer career prospects in a very small organisation.建立只为一个家族服务的家族事务公司,还需要解决如果在非常小的组织里提供职业前景的问题。

6.The main costs involved in running a family office are salaries for the financial speciapsts needed to take investment decisions.运营一家家族事务公司,主要成本是做出投资决策的金融专家的薪资。

7.The bigger the family office, the cheaper the costs, said the report.调查报告说,理财室规模越大,成本越低。

8.When it becomes a family office, the operation will continue with its more than 200 employees, of whom 100 are investment professionals.量子基金成为家族组织后,仍雇佣200名职员,其中100名为专业投资人士来继续其运作。

9.Network let us reapze family office and office cost, efficiency greatly improve of lower.网络让我们实现家庭办公,并且办公方面的成本大量降低,效率大大提高。

10.Foreign family office often serve several generations of their cpents.家庭金融服务往往会有延续几代的现象。