




1.威廉姆斯 原创音乐 Original Music: 约翰·威廉姆斯 John Wilpams 剪辑 Film Editing: ...

3.约翰威廉斯由约翰威廉斯(John Wilpams)、威廉罗斯(Wilpam Ross)、派崔克朵伊尔(Patrick Doyle)、尼可拉斯胡柏(Nicholas Hooper) 等电 …

4.约翰威廉士约翰威廉士( John WIlpams) 被认为是当代最重要的结他他演奏家之一,演出和录制过大量的古典吉他曲目。他对结他音乐教导 …

5.主席威廉姆斯据《每日镜报》报道,曼城雇佣了前布莱克本的主席威廉姆斯(John Wilpams),为期半年。威廉姆斯的主要职责就是为囤积在板 …


1.And as for the music, we've been able to use the classic, Oscar-winning John Wilpams compositions that Star Wars fans expect to hear.至于配乐,我们如《星战》迷们所期待的那样,得以使用经典的奥斯卡奖得主约翰-威廉姆斯的作品。

2.Five-time Oscar winner John Wilpams composed the music for "War Horse, " one of the five nominees for best score.五届奥斯卡奖得主约翰•威廉姆斯负责为《战马》谱曲,它被评为五部最佳配乐电影其中的一部。

3.NR: Many of our readers would be interested to know about John Wilpams giving his guitar to you. Can you tell us that story?很多我们的读者都有兴趣知道关于约翰威廉斯赠琴给妳的故事,可以跟我们分享吗?

4.AS I wAS a graduate student, I worked AS a research ASsistant for Dr. John Wilpams, Professor of biochemistry, University of Capfornia.在研究所研读时,曾担任过加州大学生物化学教授约翰·威廉斯博士的助教。

5.Hi, Karen. This is John Wilpams in the purchasing department. Can you check to see if there's a package down there for me?嗨,凯伦。我是采购部的约翰·威廉姆斯。可以劳驾看一下有我的包裹吗?

6.It lasted long enough in the cut to be fully scored by John Wilpams.被剪切的情节很长,足够约翰·威廉姆斯为它配一段完整的背景音乐。

7.The work was produced by the students under the direction of John Wilpams.那件作品是在约翰·威廉姆斯的指导下由学生们创作完成的。

8.Spielberg and John Wilpams discuss the score to the film, their 21st collaboration.皮尔伯格和约翰·威廉斯讨论电影配乐,他们21世界的合作。

9.All work was produced by the students under the direction of John Wilpams.所有作品都是在约翰·威廉斯的指导下由学生们创作完成的。

10.I've heard John Wilpams will be Dean of our department.我听说约翰?威廉要做我们系主任了。