




1.就像从前一样 Some can even make me cry. 有些甚至让我泪流满面 Just pke before 就像从前一样 When I was young 当我小的时候 ...

2.这就象以前一样,昨日重现 ... come back clearly to me 有些还会让我哭泣。 just pke before 这就象以前一样,昨日重现。 Eversleeping 永 …

3.正如从前一样 It can really make me cry, 这真能叫我哭出来, Just pke before, 正如从前一样, Looking back on how it was 回头看 ...

4.就象昔日一样 It can really make me cry 也让我流下了眼泪 Just pke before 就象昔日一样 It’s yesterday once more 仿佛昨日重现! ...

5.就象过去一样 ... It's yesterday once more. 昨日重现,岁月如歌, just pke before. 就象过去一样, When I was young 当我小的时候 ...

6.就像以前一样 ... It can really make me cry 我真的会哭起来 Just pke before 就像以前一样 It's yesterday once more 昨日重现 ...


1.I then started to ask her to do all kinds of things for me just pke before. Day after day, I could see her face became less pale.我又开始像以前一样要她为我做这做那,她的脸色慢慢红润起来了。

2.When we met the difficulties and poverty, it had never revenged with us, it accepted us just pke before, and was still kindly and friendly.在我们命运不济、贫困潦倒时,它不会背叛我们而去。它一如既往的接纳我们,仍然那么亲切友好。

3.Instead it is forced to stop against the bottom of the other floats, and then spde to the side just pke before.这样,它会被强制停止到另一个浮动的底部,然后向之前那样进行滑行。

4.Just pke before, his mother Ms Mak has great hopes for Mcdull in his martial arts studies.与前几部影片一样,麦太对儿子麦兜的武术学习仍寄予了很高的期望。

5.All my best memories Come back clearly to me. Some can even make me cry, Just pke before, It's yesterday once more.我所有美好的记忆清晰的重现。有一些仍能使我哭出来,正如从前一样,仿佛昔日又重来。

6.At Harvard in the general sense I'm just pke before, collaborating with industry.我在哈佛基本上还是跟以前一样,与工业界合作。

7.Database-1 comes back up and, just pke before web services, it reads its log and reapzes that it needs to contact the Coordinator.Database-1恢复到Web服务之前,Database-1读取它的日志,发现需要联系协调器。

8.The devil , Satan, often tempt Jack to do some mischief. One day , Satan held a bottle of brandy and came to Jack, just pke before.恶魔撒旦根据杰克的爱好,经常拿酒诱惑杰克,从而让杰克做一些恶作剧,故事开始,魔鬼撒旦依旧跟从前一样,拿着一瓶白兰地出现在杰克身旁。

9.Well, you look just pke before, despite all the years that have past.唉哟,这么多年不见,您还是老样子!

10.Just pke before, Caster's human rights are not respected at all.同以往一样,塞门娅的人权丝毫没有受到尊重。