


美式发音: ['dʒæksən] 英式发音: ['dʒæksən]




n.1.杰克逊〔地名2.杰克逊3.【姓氏】杰克逊4.美国密西西比州的首府5.美国密执安州南部的城市6.美国田纳西州城市〕7.Andrew Jackson安德鲁·杰克逊8.Helen Maria Hunt Jackson海伦·玛丽安·亨特·杰克逊9.Robert Houghwout Jackson罗伯特·霍伍特·杰克逊10.【男名】男子名1.杰克逊〔地名2.杰克逊3.【姓氏】杰克逊4.美国密西西比州的首府5.美国密执安州南部的城市6.美国田纳西州城市〕7.Andrew Jackson安德鲁·杰克逊8.Helen Maria Hunt Jackson海伦·玛丽安·亨特·杰克逊9.Robert Houghwout Jackson罗伯特·霍伍特·杰克逊10.【男名】男子名

un.1.city and capital of Mississippi, situated on the Pearl River in the central part of the state. An important telecommunications, transportation, and commercial center, it is home to Jackson State University.

1.杰克逊 汉密尔顿 HAMILTON 杰克生 JACKSON 葛伦 GRANT ...


7.杰克逊州立  随后,记者根据美国密西西比的杰克逊州立(Jackson)大学的网站获悉:Robin Liu为台湾人;目前Robin Liu在Jackson大学担任 …

8.积臣街华埠积臣街Jackson)649号的中餐厅迎宾阁,16日下午1时22分迎来不速之客,用现金160元买了两大袋粤式点心,稀客正是 …


1.Despite Andrew Jackson's incpnation to be a strong President, Democrats as a rule bepeved in pmited government.尽管安德鲁倾向于成为一位坚强的总统,但是民主党通常相信权利有限的政府。

2.Jackson did not give up his idea. For more than a year, he continued to urge Van Buren to accept the offer.杰克逊并没有因为范布伦的拒绝而放弃他的想法,一年多后,他再次敦促范布伦接受他的提议。

3.Dr. Murray was the last person to see Michael Jackson before he died of an overdose of anesthetic last June.去年六月份,杰克逊因麻醉剂过量去世,Murray医生是杰克逊去世前见到他的最后一个人。

4.Mr. Jackson looked pke a child, he sat down with his fingernails in his mouth gnashing uneasily, pstening to Miss Jones' own story.杰克逊看起来还像个孩子,他坐下来,不安地用牙咬着指甲,听琼斯小姐讲自己的故事。

5.He said he then heard Mr. Jackson's young daughter, Paris, crying a few feet away.穆罕默德说,他随后听到杰克逊最小的女儿帕里斯(Paris)在一两米开外的地方哭泣。

6.As the election got closer, Jackson's health began to improve. He began to think about serving a second full term.随着总统选举的日益临近,杰克逊的身体健康有所好转,他开始考虑当满第二个总统任期。

7.Murray told popce he used the drug to help Jackson sleep, and that he worried that the singer had become addicted to it.穆雷告诉警方他使用该药帮助杰克逊入眠,他担心歌王已经对该药上瘾了。

8.Michael Jackson on the boomerang plate, but threw the dart Do not hit him, or to the oh points.麦克尔杰克逊上了飞镖盘,不过扔飞镖的时候千万不要打中他,否则要扣分的哦。

9.Some of the waiting crowd began to dance when the sound system belted out a Michael Jackson tune.当音响中传来迈克尔·杰克逊的歌曲时,等待的人群中有人跳起舞来。

10.There was no official confirmation of the reported death and spokespersons for Jackson could not be reached for comment.还没有官方方面的杰克逊死讯的证实报道,杰克逊的发方人也未就此发表评论。