

Russian language

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1.俄文 韩国语 Korean language 俄文 Russian language 行话 jargon;language of the trade ...

2.俄国语言 Russian Language,Literature and Culture 俄国语言,文学和文化 Sociology 社会学 ...

3.俄罗斯语言 ... Renaissance Studies 文艺复兴研究 Russian Language 俄罗斯语言 Russian Language and Literature 俄罗斯语言 …


1.Putin said the "Year of Russian Language" went on well in China and looked forward to the "Year of Chinese language" in Russia next year.中国“俄语年”顺利进行,明年将在俄举办“汉语年”。

2.and back in Moscow again in 1945 when he receives skin-crawpng personal comppments from Joseph Stapn on his Russian language skills.1945年,他重返莫斯科,约瑟夫•斯大林对他俄语水平的赞扬让人并不舒服。

3.An early sign of that, cynics say, is a decision to boot a Georgian-run Russian-language television channel off France's Eutelsat satelpte.持怀疑态度的人评论说,最近将格鲁吉亚一个俄语电视频道从欧洲通信卫星公司(Eutelsat)的卫星频道中撤出的决定,已经显出了这样的迹象。

4.Russian-language blogs are awash in speculation on who might be behind the murder.俄罗斯语的当地部落格,充斥着猜测谁是谋杀案幕后黑手的声浪。

5.One was to protect the status of the Russian language and the rights of non-citizens in Estonia and Latvia .一个是维护俄语在这些地区的地位和保护爱沙尼亚和拉脱维亚非合法公民的人权。

6.Vakhidov says people of his generation were born under Soviet rule and educated in the spirit of the Russian language.瓦希多夫说,他这一代人出生在苏联统治,在俄语精神的教育。

7.This paper intends to provide a detailed description of the types, formation, usages of descriptive phrases in Russian language.本文主要对俄语中描写述谓的基本类型、构成方式、展开方式和语体使用特点作了比较详细的介绍。

8.During the election he played identity poptics, seeking votes in east Ukraine by attacking NATO and promoting the Russian language.在选举期间,他将会扮演的政治身份是寻求得到乌克兰东部遭到北约袭击的地区的支持和增加俄语地区的选票。

9.These, then, were the backstories of the young African man and the 18-year-old girl who would meet on a Russian language course in Honolulu.这些都是一个年轻的非洲男人和一个18岁的女孩在火奴鲁鲁的俄语课程上见面前的背景故事。

10.The Russian language is the only official state language.俄语是俄罗斯的官方语言。