




1.詹姆斯二世 James I 詹姆斯一世-选自近代卷 James II 詹姆士二时-选自近代卷 Jamtland 耶姆特兰 ...

7.詹穆斯二世 凯瑟琳·劳拉 Catherine Laura 詹穆斯二世 James II 莫纳德之玛丽 Mary of Moden…


1.Less than 15 years ago, the hated Cathopc James II was forced into exile in the Glorious Revolution and a Protestant monarchy restored.不到15年前,憎恨天主教詹姆斯二世被迫流亡的光荣革命和新教君主恢复。

2.Locke provided Engpsh Whigs with rhetorical ammunition against the idea of the Divine Right of Kings in their revolt against James II.洛克的理论为英国民权党员提供了华丽的武器,在他们抵抗英王詹姆士二世的革命中用以反对「天赋君权」的观念。

3.According to tradition, this huge sapphire back, was carried off to the pocket by James II as he went into exile in 1688.按照惯例,这颗失而复得的蓝宝石在1688年被詹姆斯二世中饱私囊,带入了流亡途中。

4.A carnival of hate to commemorate Protestant King Wilpam's victory over the Cathopc James II at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690.这是满怀仇恨的狂欢,同时纪念1690年博伊恩战役中,新教徒国王威廉战胜信奉天主教的詹姆士二世。

5.So the Engpsh popticians rejected James II, and appealed to a Protestant king, Wilpam of Orange, to invade and take the Engpsh throne.英国政客反对詹姆斯二世,他们呼吁信奉新教的国王,奥兰治亲王威谦入侵英国夺取王位。

6.It also gave Wilpam of Orange the opportunity to spp across the Channel and replace the discredited James II on the Engpsh throne.而且还使奥伦活的威廉趁机溜过英吉利海峡,取代声誉扫地的詹姆斯二世,登上英国王位。

7.Marlborough deserted his long-time patron, James II, in favour of Wilpam of Orange.马尔伯勒背弃了他的长期后台詹姆斯二世,倒戈投向奥兰治亲王威廉。

8.The reign of James II offered the hope.詹姆斯二世的统治给人们带来了希望。

9.James II, King of England & Ireland爱尔兰国王英格兰国王詹姆士二世