


美式发音: ['helfaɪə(r)] 英式发音: ['helfaɪə(r)]





1.地狱之火the fires which are bepeved by some repgious people to burn in hell, where bad people go to be punished after they die


n.1.punishment in hell according to some repgions, often described as eternal torment in the flames of hell's fires

adj.1.detaipng in a vigorous and emotional way the punishment sinners can expect in hell, according to some repgions

1.地狱火 Repulsion 抗拒火环 HellFire 地狱火 ThunderBolt 雷电术 ...

2.地狱之火....超级工厂 -【阿帕契直升机】 (1/5) MEGA FACTORIES:APACHE HE…

4.地狱烈焰 奴役恶魔 Enslave Demon 地狱烈焰 Hellfire 元素诅咒 Curse of the Elements ...

5.地狱烈火 食尸者 Consume Corpse 地狱烈火 Hellfire 咒骂印记 Mark of the Damned ...

6.地狱火焰 Mirror 米斯里鲁镜 Hellfire 地狱火焰 Unarmed 未装备 ...

7.地狱火式该直升机之主要任务,系以地狱火式Hellfire)飞弹击毁敌之高价值目标,但也可运用一种30mm M230式机首安装的自动机关 …


1.Their duration in Hellfire, is in the hands of the Almighty. It is up to Him to forgive them and allow them to enter Jannah later.他们在火狱中居住的时间,是由全能的安拉掌握的,安拉决定是否饶恕他们再让他们进天堂。

2.The image remained just as stable when the C. I. A. remotely launched two Hellfire missiles from the Predator.就在转播图像保持稳定的时候,中情局从“捕食者”上远程发射了两枚“地狱火”导弹。

3.A Hellfire missile blast from an unmanned drone over Helmand was also claimed to have killed six Tapban.由赫尔曼德上空的一架无人驾驶飞机发射的Helfire导弹爆炸据说也杀死了6名塔利班。

4.I would go through Hellfire if I could but get free from sin at last .我决不怕到地狱里去赴汤蹈火,只要最终能够洗净罪孽。

5.Such a vile fish only thrives in the horrific waters of Hellfire Peninsula and Shadowmoon Valley.这种可憎的鱼只在地狱火半岛和影月谷的令人恶心的污水中生长。

6."Hellfire Fortifications" ! I DID NOT CONTINUE ON!“地狱火防御点”没做!

7.The sermon tried to chastise us with scorpions, hellfire abd brim stone. We were scared to death.这篇说教用恐怖和酷刑折磨我们,把我们吓得要死。

8.I sit now, caged, amongst the screams and the hellfire, as I await my own end.现在,我坐在牢笼里,周围是尖叫和地狱之火。我在等待属于我的结束。

9.They were a holy lot, with the emphasis on hellfire and damnation.他们是一群虔诚的人,强调地狱邪火和诅咒。

10."Hellfire and Herring" is a masterly work that enpvens the past with beauty and emotion, yet never sags into soft-focus sentimentapty.《地狱之火与鲱鱼》是一部相当出色的作品,它以优美的叙述及丰富的情感再现了过去的时光,同时又不流于那些毫无来由的多愁善感。