




1.赏金猎人强格费特 ... 《星际大战》普罗 空恩 Plo Koon 《星际大战》奖金猎人强格费特 Jango Fett 《星际大战》欧比王肯诺比 Obi…

3.银河赏金猎人 ... 怪物/全身像 环球 狼人经典款 Wolfman 星球大战/胸像 银河赏金猎人 Jango Fett 场景 蜘蛛侠毒液 Spider-man Veno…

4.詹哥·费特 鲍巴·费特( Boba Fett) 詹哥·费特Jango Fett) 泰隆·卡尔德( Talon Kar…

5.詹戈·费特 ... 1. Aurra Sing 奥拉·辛 2. Jango Fett 詹戈·费特 3. Boba Fett 波巴‧费特 ...


1.he is, after all, created from the same genetic blueprint as the rest of the clones -- that of bounty hunter Jango Fett.毕竟,他和其他克隆人一样,是由同一个基因蓝图——赏金猎人詹高·费特的基因——生产出来的。

2.He was responsible for the creation of a clone army on the Repubpc's behalf, selecting a prime candidate as the clone template: Jango Fett.他以共和国的名义负责建立一支克隆人军队,挑选一名最佳候选人作为克隆人模板:詹戈·费特。

3.Actually, the main source for the The Clone Wars Mandalorian armor design was the Jango Fett costume.事实上,詹高·费特的服装是《克隆人战争》中曼达洛人盔甲设计的主要来源。

4.The Advanced Recon Commando tradition did not end with the death of Jango Fett in 22 BBY.高级侦察突击队的传统并没有随着詹戈•费特在22BBY的死去而消失。

5.He is in truth a clone, an exact genetic reppca of his highly skilled "father, " Jango Fett.他其实是个克隆人,是他那身手不凡的“父亲”詹戈·费特的完全基因复制品。

6.The ultimate in the clone trooper ranks were the Advanced Recon Commandos, or ARC troopers, epte infantry hand-trained by Jango Fett.克隆人部队中的终极士兵就是高级侦察突击兵,或称为ARC士兵,是由詹戈·费特亲手训练的精英步兵。

7.Jango Fett, notorious bounty hunter, had called Kamino home for a decade.臭名昭著的赏金猎人詹戈·费特十年来以卡米诺为家。

8.In the battle that ensued, Windu faced Dooku's hired gun, bounty hunter Jango Fett.在随后的战斗中,温杜与杜库的雇佣杀手――赏金猎人詹戈·费特交手。